Law of Attraction: Acting ‘As If” Regardless of Your Current Reality

Law of attraction isn’t about thinking certain things and then making those exact thing is about attracting experiences that feel the same as we are feeling now, that match our current predominant beliefs. Whether we are fully aware of certain beliefs and feelings…that’s another story, but I digress….

Though we often line up with the exact thing we are thinking about because it is a good representation of what we actually want. But, again, it’s really not about the thoughts, though they certainly play a role.

And with that little nugget of wisdom, it is easy to see why simply wanting something is not enough to get it, why simply thinking happy thoughts won’t make much headway.

It is all about how we are feeling. This means we have to feel now like we would if we already had what we wanted. We really don’t have any other choice in the matter. This doesn’t necessarily mean feeling amazing every second, though that would certainly move things along much more quickly.

We have this little bugger called resistance that gets in the way of the simplicity of manifesting—it really is all about ask and it is given.

This whole ‘acting as if we already have what we want’ sounds easy in theory, but as many people who begin working consciously with law of attraction find—it can feel quite challenging.

We are used to bitching and moaning we don’t like our life. We are used to noticing the absence of the things we want and lamenting it heavily.

On some level we believe a desperate feeling of need around what we want is the ticket to getting it. I theorize this comes from the belief many people hold that some higher force is calling the shots, deciding what we can and can’t have, and we hope it will take pity on us, and deliver the goods.

We feel very justified in feeling badly because we don’t have the things we want, and can become indignant when told we should feel otherwise.

After believing so long certain things weren’t possible for us, all of a sudden just trusting we can have it simply by feeling a certain way, can seem like too big a stretch.

Our life experience up until now has provided so much ‘proof’ of our limiting beliefs, and even though we now know the beliefs are what caused these things to happen in the first place, there is just so much momentum behind this more limited way of thinking, we can’t just make a clean break.

So yeah…just feeling good now even though we don’t have what we want yet, can feel like a tall order.

But again, we really don’t have a choice, so here are some tips to help you get into a space of receiving all your little heart desires.

Remember Whatever is Happening Now is Only Temporary

When you are not exactly loving your current reality, feeling hunky dory right now can take a bit of effort, I’m not going to lie.

Feeling abundant when you are struggling to pay your bills just seems ridiculous.

Feeling as you would if you had your dream job can seem really hard when you despise your current one.

Feeling as if you were with your dream man can seem impossible when you are single as they come.

Feeling as if you are a success can be hard when the new clients or sales are only trickling in occasionally.

You are so mired in the muck of your current reality, shifting your focus and feelings in any real way seems just so freaking hard. Your mind is screaming your limiting beliefs, and reminding you how your current reality is light years away from what you want.

It will insist you keep feeling badly..after all, what other way is there to feel when you don’t have what you so want?

But, again, we really don’t have a choice.

And the reason we feel so badly is because we don’t think things can change. We don’t think we can have what we want. There is a lot of doubt and fear.

The one thing that will allow us to feel better right now, regardless of what is happening, is knowing that this situation won’t last, that something better is around the corner.

Right now, some of you may be like..duh..isn’t this the whole point of this post? Yes, yes it is.

But, it is easy to forget this idea of our current reality being temporary, and when we can remember it, we give ourselves access to an amazing little feeling called relief.

You are probably so used to focusing on the future and when everything will change, you forget to do what you can to make your current reality seem more bearable.

How differently would you feel about your sucky job if you knew in a few months time, you would definitely have a new one?

How much easier would it be to stop worrying so much about your current financial predicament if you knew in a few months time,you would be making so much more money, and get caught up on all your bills?

How much easier would it be to feel whole and complete even as a single person knowing Mr. Right was definitely on his way?

How much easier would be it to feel successful now knowing your business would be booming by the end of the year?

The great thing about consciously creating your reality is these sorts of guarantees are available to you. Sure, we may not buy into it 1 million percent, but the mere willingness to acknowledge this is how the system works, and whatever we don’t like right now by no means has to remain that way, can create a really significant shift.

The willingness to assume what you want can be yours is big.

Our Thoughts are Just a Translation of Energy

You see, your thoughts are merely a translation of energy, and whatever desires are popping into your mind right now are just one representation of that energy.

A representation that is based on your current belief system and something your brain can conceive of as a possibility right in this moment.

And as we know, our current belief system is comprised of a variety of limiting beliefs, and our brains are really not equipped for calculating infinite possibilities.

Our brains, as awesome as they are in many respects, can only function based on input it receives, and much of the input we have received over our lives doesn’t exactly lend itself to dreaming big and realizing how freaking powerful we are.

So, whatever concrete desires you have formulated are in no way, shape or form, the highest possibility. It is not the only thing that can make you happy, though your mind will convince you otherwise.

It is definitely a good starting point because it gives us something to focus on to get into the feeling state we want to be in, but as for it being the exact thing you truly want above all else..most likely not.

We get so attached to these specific representations, and of course when we do this,  feeling good even though we don’t have those things becomes infinitely more difficult because we are convinced we really can’t feel better to any real degree unless we get them.

I know I have said this a million times before and I’ll say it again damn it—whatever it is you want, you want it because you think it will make you feel good in some way. And you cannot possibly conceive of all the different ways you can achieve that feeling.

And the great thing about feelings is you can create them anytime, no matter what is happening, no matter what your current reality looks like now.

If you are willing to concede what you currently want right now is just one representation of what you are really after—a FEELING—it makes it a hell of a lot easier to become a match to the millions of different things that will give you that feeling, and most likely includes whatever it is you want now.

But, even if it didn’t, it wouldn’t matter because you would still be getting what you truly want, which is to feel happy, fulfilled, peaceful, whole or whatever warm fuzzy you are craving.

Without a doubt, your mind is going to fight you on this. The moment it thinks you are trying to take away what it wants, it is going to freak. That’s normal. But, the more you let this idea soak in, the idea that your current desire is just one translation of what you are really after, the easier it becomes to detach.

You Have to Make a Choice to Feel Better

Now that you are coming out of the fog, and realizing how your reality is really created, you have to take some responsibility.

You can no longer blame the government, your mom, your boss or anything outside of you for the state of your life, or how you feel.

You can’t just let yourself stay in the pit, and point to the way your life is now, as a justification for feeling like shit.

Will you fully succeed at doing this at all times? Of course not. But, with this new awareness, you will be tasked with shifting this way of thinking, feeling and believing. You can’t just run with it anymore like you had in the past if you want things to be different.

It isn’t serving you, and only you can decide to adopt ways of being, thinking and feeling that do.

It takes some practice because this mode of operating is new and will feel really uncomfortable. There will be times you fall off track, and you have to consciously steer yourself in the other direction.

But, the good news is, it gets easier over time. The more positive thoughts and feelings become more natural and get some momentum behind them. Getting into this space doesn’t take as much deliberate effort and concentration.

Don’t be super hard on yourself when you fall back into the old ways. This isn’t some little thing you are doing here…you are shifting to a whole new paradigm and way of looking at the world. That’s some heavy stuff.

The transition won’t be super-smooth. But, this doesn’t mean it has to be super painful, challenging and take a long time. It simply means there will be some deliberate effort to switch gears. You might not go from where you are now to a state of complete joy and will be more gradual.

And that’s fine…you can still start letting in lots of great stuff, stuff that makes you feel like you want to feel. Will you be a match for the ultimate representations right now? No, but that’s fine. It can still be great.

This whole reality creation thing is a process, and as we go along, we vibe higher and higher and let in more and more.

The key to getting the ball rolling though is a willingness to trust in this process even if we don’t fully understand it, and deciding right now we will work on becoming a match to what we want.

We have to be willing to change our tune, and work on releasing the stories that we have told ourselves up until this point.

We get to choose ,and we have to choose in favor of who we want to be, what we want to do and what we want to have.

This choice is available to us at anytime. We can’t refuse to feel better until things start to change..we’ll be waiting a long time. In our current vibration, we may be capable of letting some stuff in, but not too much.

Passivity and taking whatever comes at us, and consciously creating our reality, are at completely different ends of the spectrum, and moving along from one to the other requires conscious participation.

We can start becoming the person we want to be at any time, we just merely need to decide it’s time.

In Closing…

I know there is a big struggle between the part of you that intuitively knows this whole attraction thing is real, and the part of you that just can’t seem to release the old conditioning, and ignore your past experiences as completely irrelevant to what you can create from this point on.

It’s frustrating as hell, but make peace with it(as best you can). When you have spent years and years being a certain way, viewing yourself a certain way, and fully buying into certain beliefs, the idea of just being able to switch it off completely seems pretty silly.

If you have never exercised in your life, would it be reasonable to expect you could run a marathon by the end of the week? Of course not!

But, even if you can’t go from 0 to 60 in 2.3 seconds manifesting-wise, it doesn’t mean you are doomed to struggle for years and years. The amount of time it takes to shift the beliefs and feelings is in NO WAY proportional to the amount of time you have harbored them.

As much as you probably doubt it, you can start feeling now as if you had the things you want, as if your life was already better than it is now. Because remember, what you really want is a feeling, and you don’t have to wait around for them to gravitate into your experience…you have the power to create them now.

You can start genuinely feeling better about your life as it is now with a shift of focus and a willingness to adopt a more positive perspective. Remember..we always get to choose.

Knowing things don’t have to keep being the way they have been can take a lot of the pressure off, and make things seem less unbearable.

Be willing to admit when you are being a bit of a drama queen—often times, things aren’t nearly as bad as we are making them out to be.

Start appreciating the good things in your life now. Honestly, that usually isn’t enough to totally shift our feelings, but it creates enough of a shift that we can get some energy moving in a better direction, and become more closely aligned with what we want.

Acting’ as if’ isn’t about ‘faking it until you make it.’ It is about actually feeling better now, knowing what you want is coming. It is being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and basking in the awesome feelings that creates.

Your Turn…

What did you think of this post? Do you have trouble acting as if? Did any part of the post resonate with you in particular? What do you think is your biggest challenge here? Do you have any tips to share on how to get into that space now, no matter what? Looking forward to your comments as always! 

Law of Attraction: Acting ‘As If” Regardless of Your Current Reality

18 thoughts on “Law of Attraction: Acting ‘As If” Regardless of Your Current Reality

  1. Hi KC,

    Temporary indeed. Like say your motorbike isn’t working – bad battery – and you can’t ride it for at least another day. What do you do? This too shall pass. Of course it may take a while to pass but it will. Move your focus back to the moment to see the transitory nature of everything. Then notice where you’re attracting. A tasty dinner. Home made cassava chips, and a nice Beng Beng bar, and maybe some Floridina. Now you’re talking!

    Thanks for the inspired share KC.

    Tweeting from Bali.


    1. Yeah, just like that! Good thing you trekked it to the supermarket this morning..thanks love! I suppose that was an adequate meal 🙂

  2. Great post as always. This made me think of some advice I saw on the Powerful Intentions forum. A young woman was upset over a break up with her fiancee. She knew she needed some space to work on herself but she was afraid to let go, and his behavior indicated he was afraid to let go too. A very wise poster told her to think about a romantic comedy. Imagine fast forwarding to the end and seeing the main characters getting married in a beautiful ceremony. Then you go back and watch from the begining. Even though they fight and break up, you don’t worry about it because you know they’ll get back together in the end. It’s not unlike advice I’d seen before, but the romantic comedy metaphor was fresh and light-hearted. It made sense even though I hate romantic comedies. 🙂
    Even if you’re feeling crappy and hopeless, just saying, “It will all work out in the end,” and distracting yourself with something else for a while can raise your vibration, if only a little, and take the pressure off YOU to solve this problem.

    My relationship is pretty solid, so I’m focusing on wealth. I visualize myself rolling around in a big pile of money. I’m doing pretty well financially but I’d like to be financially independent where I “choose” to work rather than “have ” to (one could argue that I should adopt that mindset now rather than waiting for it.) The visual is silly, but it makes me laugh and feel good about money. I know it will happen, but I don’t worry about the how. I know it could happen today. I could throw whatever cash I have on the floor and roll around in it and thank my lucky stars that I can do that. Ha!

    1. Hey Melanie
      That romantic comedy analogy is a great example of that sense of knowing it’s fine and whatever happens in between really doesn’t matter. You are so right that simply acknowledging the idea that it will be taken care of and it’s not up to you to figure out how that would come about, is enough to really lighten things up and create a sense of relief, even if small. It is easy to underestimate that, but in those moments we are shifting out focus more to what we want and that can get the subconscious calculating how to deliver what we want in that way.

      I love that visualization and it’s great that you are having fun with it. I think we can sometimes get a bit too serious in our manifesting work. The whole point is to feel happy and light, and exercises that are fun like that are the best kind.

  3. The timing for this post was just right for me again Kelli. I’ve been vibing pretty high lately, and if you had any idea about my life lately and at the moment you would realise what a feat that is for me right now. I’m telling you, my life is falling apart at the seams. I feel happy most of the time, but that’s only because I am putting a positive spin on EVERYTHING and if I can’t put a positive spin on it, I ignore it. Life falling apart? That means better stuff is coming in. Job is on its way. Money on its way. Yesterday morning I was feeling really optimistic about things, but by last night I was a bit more tired than usual and I started to crash. I took my eyes off the prize and started to look around me and freak out a little – oh my god who am I kidding? my life is a grade A disaster area, am I deluding myself that things are ever going to change. What makes me think that sitting in a room quieting my mind and imagining being surrounded by God’s light is going to make ANY difference to my life? Crazy!! What if I my life is falling apart AND I’m hallucinatory on top of that? I felt hopeless. Nothing I could do made me feel good and I gave up and went to bed.
    This morning I feel a bit better and it’s back to the drawing board – affirmations, doing what I love doing, meditating, reading inspirational stuff. I won’t give up till they carry me out in a body bag.

    1. Bunny,

      Thank you for sharing that. I feel the EXACT same way, so don’t feel like you are alone. Sometimes I get that feeling of “Who am I kidding? Am I deluding myself? Am I going crazy and no one around me will tell me?”
      I have been having some extreme highs and lows lately and I am very ready to stabilize now. I have been focusing on stabilizing and appreciating the here and now.

      Two things in this post really stuck out to me:
      #1 was realizing that whatever our situation is, it is temporary. I have been trying to imagine that I have put in my two week notice at my job and that has helped relieve a lot of the stress.

      And then this paragraph: “But, even if it didn’t, it wouldn’t matter because you would still be getting what you truly want, which is to feel happy, fulfilled, peaceful, whole or whatever warm fuzzy you are craving.”
      OK, my mind is seriously fighting that. All I hear is “but…..but….but….what about my stuff???” LOL! I know that is not a good feeling to be carrying around, so I see something I need to work on. 🙂

      1. Hey Summer
        You are definitely not going crazy…you are one of the few who is willing to acknowledge our power, and clear out all the muck and programming that led us away from it over the course of our lives. I have experienced those ups and downs before and I know how uncomfortable it can be. It is just a process sometimes of getting to that more stable place. In my experience, those bigger fluctuations are just indicators of energy that is flowing really strongly, and the mind jumping in and trying to hold onto the status quo. But, ‘big’ you who knows the truth will win out for sure.

        I think everyone’s mind fights that sometimes (or all the time!), including mine. We have our mind set on certain things and the idea of not getting it is not a comfortable one. That particular representation of the energy we want to embody is just there in our heads so detaching can take a bit of effort, but it gets easier over time. From your comments here and on Melody’s blog, I can see you have a good understanding of all of this stuff, and are very self-aware…you are probably doing better than you think!

    2. Hey Bunny
      I am sorry to hear you are having a rough time. It is great you are able to maintain a positive perspective and not pay too much attention to what isn’t vibing with that. When we understand how attraction works, it is easier to take control of our emotions and perspective and actually feel better regardless of what is happening outside of us. But, the one thing I would say is to make sure you aren’t suppressing anything…if you feel angry, frustrated or whatever, just let it out.

      We all have those moments when our immediate reality ‘sinks in’ and we feel like we shouldn’t feel good, we should be worried, we have to
      ‘figure it out’ but at this point, you know what’s the real deal and this is just old programming that is still stuck in there somewhere. I suspect that if things are feeling this intense now, there is a big release and shift coming. It is good you are going back to basics and just refocusing your attention but only do all that ‘work’ if it is making you feel better. If you are more inclined towards doing nothing, honor that and pull back.

      You are doing great!

      1. Thanks Kelli and Summer. I can’t tell you how good it is to connect with people who understand and are on their own LOA journey. I feel great again today after a bit of extra work yesterday.
        I think my crash may have been resistance, I still feel a bit frustrated and angry (blaming) now and then for my current situation and I have to honour those feelings I know.
        Which brings me to a question: does your reality catch up slowly or can it be a big *PING* rubber band moment? Or both depending on the situation?

        1. It does feel good to discuss this with people that understand what it is about and are committed to creating their reality more consciously. That is one of the best tools in our arsenal to get through the rough patches and fortify our own belief system. It is a bit of both actually. When we have resistance around certain things, or certain’negative’ feelings, we get manifestations that mirror that back to us on a steady basis. When there are issues we are having trouble clearing or may not be acknowledging fully, those manifestations can get bigger and bigger until we reach a point where we fully see what is really happening with us and what we may have been glossing over or denying.

          Then I think there are times when something big just happens because it is the perfect messenger to reveal something to you…take my motorbike accident for example. That was a watershed moment but previous to that, I may have been dealing with some stuff, but I can honestly say I wasn’t actively suppressing anything big time or living in denial about anything. But, it brought up exactly what it needed to.

          I guess the bottom line is no matter what happens, it is the perfect manifestation for us, and it is there to help us clean things up.

  4. Kelli,

    I have been living my life as if everything already happened for a year now. I already see changes.

    I used to pass this tiny, family owned diner on my way to work every day. I would think how cool it would be to cook there and serve people breakfast before they went to work.

    Ironically, I got a job there in September.

    I also used to pass this other building that was beautiful and expanding, wondering what it was. Low and behold, the building was a small, beautiful restaurant and the addition was apartments for 55 and up. Guess what? The restaurant moved in there in January and I’m now head cook. Pretty wild, huh?

    So these other LOA things I’ve put out to the universe, I know will happen in due time. But in the mean time, I’m speaking like it already has. 🙂 Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa
      Thanks for sharing those manifestations. It is a perfect example of not really having to put too much focus on what we want and how it can just gravitate into our experience. What gets in the way is when something is really important to us, and we can’t help but think about it, and we have a decent amount of resistance around it. But, we just need to work through it and we will more easily get into that space of allowing. Those things surely will happen and just keep doing your energetic thang!

  5. Hey Kelli,

    I can definitely relate to this.

    I know for a lot of people who are in a bad state right now it’s hard to “feel good” about anything. I have some advice for them though. Put the song “Happy” on and dance around. How can you NOT feel good after that one. Just think about all the stuff on it’s way and that ought to put them in a good mood, it certainly does me.

    As always, great advice Kelli. Thank you so much for sharing this and I’ll be sure to share your post as well.


    1. Hi Adrienne
      I love that advice. There is always a way to boost our mood. We just have to make that deliberate effort sometimes but not force too much. I like spending time with animals and listening to music..those are my two favorites.

  6. I find this the hardest part. Thinking as if before it’s actually happened. I guess everyone feels that way too. The best part of this is reminding that that ‘this’ is only temporary. That was very powerful for me and the thing that stands out the most for sure. I so agree that ‘acting as if we already have it’ is something I continually forget and have to remind myself. It is very challenging and I’m still trying to figure it out. I’m not sure how to effectively do this so I have no advice. I’m glad though that what I’m experiencing is normal and that I’m actually ‘normal’ as we go through this.

    Thanks for sharing and letting us know that it’s all normal and that we can get through it.

    Good post,

    1. Hey Barbara
      You are right about that..EVERYONE feels that way at some point, sometimes a good deal of the time! That idea of the current situation not lasting can be very powerful when we let it seep in. Knowing there is an end point can lighten things up a lot for us, even if nothing is immediately changing. What you are going through is definitely normal. We have to remember operating in this way is a huge departure from what we believed for a very long time, and a shift like that is incremental. But, the good news is, lots of great things can come into our experience as our energy starts to shift, and it doesn’t require ‘perfection.’

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