Law of Attraction: My Fear is Keeping Me Stuck and I Can’t Move Forward

How do I deal with the fear of taking a leap of faith. I feel like making drastic changes to my life, but the fear is holding me back.

Getting Comfortable with Fear

Your mind’s belief system is rooted in fear, it’s the driving force. It’s likely the basis for most of your decisions. If we continue to defer to the mind for everything, listen to all its assessments, the fear will rule every corner of your life. Since the mind is part and parcel of the human ‘package’ we’ll probably always be contending with it, just like all its other bullshit.

So, if we’re unlikely able to totally eliminate fear, we must get more comfortable with the feeling, we must change our relationship to it, so it doesn’t hold this immense power over us anymore.

Fear can be much more intense than the other negative emotions we deal with; it’s literally the mother of all emotions, in that at the deepest root, fear of some kind is likely triggering our anger, resentment, anxiety, sadness,etc…

But for the most part, dealing with it isn’t any different than other feelings. You don’t resist it, you don’t judge or criticize it, you just let it be, you just observe it, you consciously choose not to let it consume you, you consciously choose not to let it influence your decisions and run your life. You see what inside of you is triggering it and you work on that in whatever way it needs to be worked on.

Your mind is really good at convincing you there are ‘exceptions’ in this work. That certain issues, feelings and the like are ‘different’ and therefore the advice can’t be applied, that you can’t act in a certain way in this instance.

It will want to do that with fear in particular because your fear is what keeps you in line, it’s what keeps you listening to it, it blinds you to its dysfunction. Not realizing the depth of your mind’s dysfunction is one of our biggest stumbling blocks– we are often reluctant to break free of the mind and doing things the way it wants things to be done, and thinking the way it wants us to think because a part of us still believes it might be right, that it might be onto something. It’s not.

Don’t make the goal eliminating your fear…all sorts of things will trigger it constantly. The goal is not letting it consume you and be the guiding force in your life, getting more comfortable with its presence and acting despite it, making your faith and trust more powerful.

Everything Serves You in a Positive Way

If you fear moving forward in life, it’s likely you have amassed a number of future scenarios and potential outcomes in your mind that don’t feel good for one reason or another. These things happening would be ‘bad’ in some way so you resist doing anything that may bring them to pass.  

You have to understand that even if these things were to happen, or anything else that you haven’t thought of yet that would also be labeled as ‘bad,’ it’s totally fine and it would benefit you in some way. It was kind of supposed to happen just that way because that experience would be integral in helping you make the inner shifts required of you to get whatever it is you’re moving towards.

Maybe you will burn through your savings getting your new business off the ground but it will help you work on some really deeply-rooted money shit that would be good to work on if you want to be self-employed, if you want to have a really great relationship with money. So…serving you and it’s a good thing.

Maybe you won’t like this new job that you quit your old one for but now you have even more clarity on what type of work, environment, culture, etc…,that will help you get a job you’ll really, truly love. So….serving you and it’s a good thing.

Maybe you won’t like backpacking the world long term a few months in ,and you’ll regret quitting your job, and selling everything you owned. But now you know and you won’t have to live with the regret you probably would’ve felt the rest of your life for never following such a big dream of yours. You will have learned a shit ton about yourself and knowing ourselves is the core foundation of living a happy life. So…serving you and it’s a good thing.

You’ll be able to correct course in whatever way it needs to be corrected, anything else ‘bad’ that happens as a result of this other ‘bad’ thing happening will work itself out just the same. If you need to turn to your credit cards to keep you afloat when you quit the new job too or waiting for your business to pick up steam, it’s all good. You’ll get money coming in and you’ll pay them off.

If you come back home after cutting your journey short, you’ll find a new job, a new place and you can get new stuff…you’ll be fine.

When you remember that no matter what happens, it’s helping you in some way, that you’ll be okay no matter what, the fear of the unknown or particular outcomes won’t hold you back so much. You see there’s not that much to be afraid of. The fear is coming from the wildly inaccurate meanings and stories your mind is assigning to the experiences and they’re  just not true.

Remember, everything that happens is serving you so how can any of it be truly ‘bad?’ The mind might not like it but it doesn’t know shit so who cares what it thinks?

If you’ll be fine no matter what happens, you see how your fear of not being ‘fine’ doesn’t hold water as a valid excuse not to move forward.

You will constantly be faced with the choice of continuing to view things through the filter of your mind vs the filter of your spirit…that is always all on us.

Gotta Work on Your Shit…

Big surprise I’m mentioning this little nugget I know, since I so rarely speak about this. This statement is dripping with sarcasm for anyone who may be new around here.

But there is a reason I talk about this so much…the  emotional ‘ick’ is our biggest problem as a conscious creator.

It’s what drowns out all the positive energy most of us are working so diligently to cultivate, it informs the  dominant energy that’s been ruling our life and so we must deal with so it’s not anymore; it’s what holds us back from making the changes we need to make, taking the actions we need to take; it’s what keeps us stuck in self-sabotage.

And MOST importantly, it’s the true root of our unhappiness, not what we don’t have, so if you don’t work on it you’ll never truly feel happy no matter what you manage to manifest.

You have to dive into where this ‘fear’ is coming from, you have to get a better sense of the specific energies, perspectives, etc…that are contributing to it. Start chipping away at all that, and the fear subsides. The ‘stuff’ triggering it is no longer there.

This is a very individual thing. For some, it might be fearing disapproval or judgment, particularly from specific people like your parents.

For some, the idea of ‘failure’ is too much to bear…why are you so afraid of that, what would it say about you as a person?

For others, doing what you want may mean revealing parts of yourself you may have been hiding from others, and being who you really are ‘openly’ is very uncomfortable…why?

If you don’t look at any of this, the fear ‘energy’ will continue to dominate because all this shit will keep feeding it. And the greater the fear, the less likely you are to act in spite of it.

Action is always the last part of the process, not the first. The more we understand action is a manifestation of energy, the more sense this makes, the more we see the importance of cleaning house energetically before we make our moves.

Now, do you have to work on any of this in order to move forward? No, not really. You can just take the leap and do whatever it is you want or need to. It wouldn’t be a ‘mistake’ but you might have a rougher road ahead.  Depending on how much this element is factoring into your fear, you may have no choice though.

But even if you didn’t ‘have’ to, I would highly recommend doing so.

If you don’t beforehand, you’ll almost certainly manifest stuff that’ll trigger all your shit because it needs to be triggered–it will almost certainly get in the way and you always manifest experiences that help you deal with things that will get in the way of getting where you want to be. And of course you’ll be able to deal with whatever gets thrown your way but it will be more challenging if you’ve already made all these big changes, burned your bridges,etc…

Do it before and things will go more smoothly. If certain things you’ve feared happening actually come to pass, you’ll have a different perspective on them almost immediately since your internal world is comprised of very different energy now.

You’ll be able to move forward in spite of emotional discomfort, unmet expectations, unexpected challenges,etc… When we haven’t done the inner work first, and all this ‘ick’ is overwhelming us, we’re more likely to throw in the towel sooner than later. The mind will tell you that it’s all too ‘hard’ and to our mind, this is a perfectly valid excuse not to do things as you have probably seen countless times in your own life.

Fear and other negative emotions are uncomfortable; having to deal with our mind’s dysfunction and how that affects our perspectives and emotional world is super-annoying. But you can handle it. It might not always be easy. It requires us to be conscious in a way we probably haven’t been our whole life. We have to participate in the process and make some ‘effort.’ But if the end result is being emotionally healthier, happier and actually living the life we want, I would say it’s all worth it.

Your Turn

What did you think of the post? Anything resonate in particular? How do you deal with your fear?

I recently had a great conversation with Stacy Jones of Hollywood Branded. While we focused on business, there was plenty of discussion of the LOA and manifesting in a more general sense. You can check it out here.

Have a question you think would make a good blog post? Submit it here

Law of Attraction: My Fear is Keeping Me Stuck and I Can’t Move Forward

6 thoughts on “Law of Attraction: My Fear is Keeping Me Stuck and I Can’t Move Forward

  1. Wow. So timely. Exactly what I’m facing. My Fear level about relocating is off the charts, and I think keeping my real estate that’s for sale from selling, so I can do make the move. In the past, I’ve been a risk-taker….older now maybe? One part of me has dug in its heels, choosing ‘comfort’ even tho I’m unhappy and stagnant here. I’ve been wrestling with this as well as digging to find the roots. I’ll re-read your post for another way to deal with this and make progress…

    1. Hi Eva
      Your situation is not that uncommon…comfort is very appealing to the mind even if what we’re comfortable with isn’t ideal. At least you know what to expect everyday when you wake up, even if you don’t really like it. So long as we aren’t totally miserable, it’ll do. Just focus on the energy for now not feeling so stressed about the action part…that reveals itself as we get that clarity and start feeling better.

  2. I agree with fear holding me back. What if you examine the fear and try to work through it but you still can’t make the change. We want to move but we don’t know where to go and we have children to think about. How do you make a leap when you don’t know where to make the leap to?

    1. Hi Vicki
      Based on how I’m reading your comment it sounds like your main issue is you just haven’t figured out your next step yet, you haven’t figured out what you truly want in your new location, where might be a good fit. That really isn’t a huge problem…it probably only feels like it because like most of us, you’re probably impatient for change because your current circumstances are undesirable now in some way and that resistance is creating tension, which tends to keep the insight, clarity and answers, next steps,etc…from us because we’re not in the energy to receive the ‘solutions’

  3. Good post. @Eva, ‘Comfort’ + unhappy does not sound optimal. I have been in similar situations; I have moved quite a bit and I am also finally thinking about ‘roots’ and how I don’t really have them in the traditional sense. But my options to have had them now would have required me making past decisions that would have kept me from discovering an interesting life and meeting various people who helped widen my view on life in general. And I face this now. I made a bold decision but I was slightly deterred due to circumstances. My lease is coming due: I could stay unhappy and keep trying to force roots (and feeling slightly embarrassed at this not being THE move) OR I can leave, rent a new place in a new location (that was to be my original location in the first place) and see how it goes.
    Yes there are voices saying ;moving AGAIN?’, ‘at this age you should have xxxx!’, etc. I do feel it and it’s a combo of internalizing and societies box. But I decided to choose me and just see what happens. I have a vision and and perhaps this is the path to that vision. I am pretty sure it’s not here sitting still, unsure and unhappy.
    Thanks for your comment – it resonated with me.

    1. Hey Michelle
      Thanks for sharing your experience and I think a lot of people can relate. As you see in your own experience, you made certain decisions along the way that were right for you in that moment; you didn’t base them on what you think you ‘should’ do, ‘should’ want especially at a certain stage of life or within a certain timeframe. It sounds like you have a good degree of self-awareness and that is the best ‘defense’ against the parts of you that still respond to outside conditioning from family, society at large, culture,etc…

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