Harnessing the power of the law of attraction to its fullest does require us to get more comfortable with letting our feelings guide us, with following our intuition.
When we let our feelings guide us, we are proceeding from a place of alignment. When something feels right, it means that following that feeling is going to open up something beneficial for us, like a helpful insight or lead to some sort of encounter or opportunity.
When we heed our intuition, we are tapping into the wisdom of our inner being, who is one smart cookie.
Our feelings are our guidance system, and when we feel good, we are in alignment, when we feel badly we aren’t.
When we act from a space that feels right, or take an action that we have a strong intuitive pull to take, we are acting from a space of alignment, from inspiration. Inspired action has a lot of leverage behind it.
When we make choices from that place of deeper knowing this is the right choice, even if we are not sure why we feel that way, we are moving towards something of benefit.
Sometimes these choices and actions feel super-light and there is no doubt; you are eager to move forward.
But sometimes, these inspirations may not be so ‘clean.’ You feel that pull, a part of you may be excited, but at the same time, it may feel very uncomfortable because it may involve elements that you’re not so sure about, it may involve stepping really far outside your comfort zone.
You may be wondering then, if it is in fact the appropriate action or choice—after all, if it was, shouldn’t it feel totally good and right?
Not necessarily. It’s great when it plays out like that because we love situations where we don’t have to contend with any yucky questioning, doubt, fear and what have you.
We love it when we feel fully confident in doing something—most of us are not very comfortable dealing with uncertainty. We like the idea of something being ‘easy’ and uncomplicated.
This post was inspired by something that happened recently in my own life—I felt very pulled towards something I would typically dismiss. Based on some issues I had been pondering, changes I wanted to make,etc…I knew I was being presented with an opportunity.
Doing Something I Normally Wouldn’t Do…
As many of you know, Ryan and I do housesitting—it’s a great opportunity to go to places I might not go otherwise and even though we don’t need to do it for financial reasons, who doesn’t love a good bargain? And what better bargain is there than getting to live somewhere totally free?
Because we run online businesses, solid, reliable internet at the house is always an absolute must, meaning we would never consider an assignment where this wasn’t available. We want to be able to get online anytime we want and for as long as we want.
So, it came as a surprise to me that I felt pulled to apply to an assignment where there was no internet available and on top of that…no electricity. An assignment that was for two whole months to boot. We’ll be starting the beginning of December.
The house is in the rainforest but we are not totally isolated.. a couple of towns are within a few miles of the house and we can get there by bike or bus. We can get online there to check emails, upload blog posts and what not. There is the beach, restaurants and civilization. I’m not looking to totally put everything on hold and withdraw from the world. So that softened it a bit for me.
There is a community center near by where we can charge devices and should be able to get cell service, which means we may be able to get some sort of internet with a wi-fi stick, but no guarantees.
Ryan and I had been talking a lot lately about surrender and trusting more; about doing less and really aligning our energy and doing some deeper spiritual work.
And when I opened my email that day, I knew I had to apply for this assignment, an assignment I never would have considered previously. We had set those intentions and here was an opportunity to put our money where our mouth is, if you will.
I just had a feeling we would get picked and I guess I was right. The man sounds really cool—a very spiritual person. Maybe my LOA-themed blog stacked the odds in our favor!
It is a beautiful property with a waterfall and teeming with wildlife such as howler monkeys and toucans. The owner said the land is very sacred and lots of powerful energy there. We will be taking care of four Rhodesian Ridgebacks and that will be so much fun…I love animals.
Excited but Nervous…
I am excited for this opportunity but there is a lot of apprehension as well. I spend a lot of time on the internet—not just for business stuff, but watching TV shows,surfing the web,etc…
Like most people, I probably rely on it a bit too much. One of my favorite do-nothing activities is watching funny TV shows or stand up because laughter is a great vibe-booster.
Depending on whether I get a decent connection near that community center, I may need to put my phone coaching on hold while I’m there. It might not be feasible to conduct sessions in public spaces like cafes and what not, in the nearby towns. So, if you have been feeling the pull to book a session with me, might want to jump on that soon.
Pulling away from business can always be uncomfortable for people, primarily because it brings up money stuff, which we all have to some degree. I’ll still be able to do my email coaching no problem though.
Being somewhere without electricity should be interesting. Did I mention there is no indoor bathroom but an outhouse?
I know how I am, and I am sure there will be times when I will get very frustrated. There will be times when I’m bored. There will be lots of time to think and feel, and sometimes it will make me feel like I’m going to go crazy.
There will be limited distractions and I’ll just have to ‘be’ with all my shit.
I’m sure Ryan has some fun times ahead for him…I apologize in advance dude.
I know there will be times when not being able to just hop online to look something up, or take care of something for my business, will be very agitating.
But as much as I feel apprehensive about this opportunity, there is that part of me that KNOWS I am supposed to be there.
I know that I will experience a lot of growth. I will get a chance to really align my energy and fully immerse myself in trust and surrender (as best I can…none of us are perfect! )
I have been in the process of a big leveling up, and this will be the perfect opportunity to move that along.
I suspect inspiration will strike and I’ll get lots of great ideas for my business. I had started work on a product but the inspiration dried up for it, so I decided not to force it. Maybe that will spark again.
I also lost the inspired feeling I had when writing my e-books, and again, didn’t want to force it. Maybe that will start back up again. Who knows?
I know when we have these mixed feelings, we get confused about which decision is the right one. If a choice doesn’t feel one million percent right, we question whether this is coming from inspiration and alignment.
Our mind always likes to put in its two cents, and it is scared when it thinks we are going to make big shifts and changes. It wants things to stay the same, it wants you to stay the same.
Ultimately, however, we do know when something is right, when we should just go for it, in spite of all the discomfort. There is just that part of you that knows this is the next move.
This is what I am experiencing with this situation—it is hard to describe this ‘knowing’ with words.
Discomfort is Part of the Game…
Spiritual growth is uncomfortable—it really wouldn’t be growth otherwise I imagine. Becoming more of who you really are can be highly uncomfortable.
Being a deliberate creator/receiver of your reality requires shifts in thinking, being and believing that aren’t small.
You have to act from a space of trust when that trust may be in very short supply, or not there at all.
You have to learn to surrender when your mind is telling you that you must keep fighting and forcing, lest you won’t get what you want.
You have to be willing to change how you are operating before experiencing any ‘proof’ to this way of being because that is the only way you can garner said ‘proof.’
You have to be willing to follow your feelings in spite of what your mind may be telling you.
You have to be willing to do things that scare you.
You have to have a little faith and move forward even if you have no idea what will transpire.
You have to be willing to start walking the path even though you aren’t able to map out the whole route yet…we really can’t do that as much as we want to be able to.
You have to be willing to trust your intuition, and know that whatever happens, it’s serving you somehow.
If we can get more comfortable with being uncomfortable, we can truly tap into infinite possibility and align more fully with who we really are.
Your Turn…
What did you think of the post? Anything resonate with you in particular? Are you being pulled to do something that is highly uncomfortable or challenging, but that you know you have to do? Looking forward to your thoughts as always.
Also, happy to announce the 4th class in the Manifesting Like a Mofo Series is open for sign-up. A very important topic….everyone receives the recording so no worries if you can’t make it live.
Free Your Mind and Your Stuff Will Follow: Breaking the Chains of Your Limiting Beliefs
Hi Kelli,
Beautiful new website, I love this look.
How can we tell the difference between taking action on something that excites but scares us and something that brings us complete overwhelm and panic? Even we could potentially benefit from this dread-inducing option, it feels too much right now and we cannot bring ourselves to do it. Sometimes doing what is scary backfires because our vibration of fear/dread is stronger than the positive ones. I can often feel a difference between the two types of actions and fears, but sometimes I’m not sure if I’m keeping myself stuck or deluding myself. Often it can feel like a huge relief not to do something (or put it off), even though it is on the path to where I want to be.
Hi M
If the negative feelings are that strong, there is a good chance that while the action may bring some benefit, it may not be the right action at this very moment. For example, if someone is in a bad marriage, leaving that marriage would surely bring a ton of benefit. But if the person has no idea how she would support herself, her self-esteem is in the toilet,etc…leaving with that energy would probably make for a much bumpier road than if she did some inner work first, aligned herself energetically with a better outcome,etc…and then decided to go out on her own. That sense of relief in that situation can be tricky…it could be coming from your mind which is glad that you aren’t going to shake anything up or do anything that will make it uncomfortable. It would be great if there was some sort of guideline to help us determine what to do, but unfortunately there isn’t. If we are in a situation where we know something is off and we feel stuck or whatever, we should definitely look for some way to open up some energy in the other direction and that can be accomplished with even a small change.
Hi Kelli,
What you say feels right to me, you just have to feel your way through and if the leap is too great, hold off. In the case of the woman who wants to leave her husband, perhaps doesn’t need to leave him right away if it scares her too much. She could do something in that direction, even if it only gives her a.little relief. Like discussing her plans with a trusted friend, or looking for stories or the help of other women who did they same and their advise for her. Sometimes the urge to take a jump is there, but there’s a lot of worry and overwhelm too. Sometime just taking a small step, even if it really isn’t much, helps move energy and give a sense of hope.
You are so right…even a small step can really get things moving in the right direction.
I have zero fears for this sit. Really. Totally detached, I’ll be in the moment and I will not scream when I hit the out house at night for a quick visit while nature calls, not fearing centipedes or scorpions at all. Yep, it’ll be a seamless adventure, all taken in stride. On a human note this is gonna be so freeing and crazy at times and oh so fun. Don’t worry. I’ll provide the stand up.
I love you, Ryan. I can’t wait to read your stories about it.
Love you too Lauren….we will have some fun ones for sure!
I am glad you’ll be providing me some entertainment!
I am right here Kelli. I have taken inspired action to come back to the Queen of Forgiveness and share that message and create courses and podcasts. I won’t be away from Internet, but I will be leaving all that I know behind. It felt really great two days ago, but starting to feel nervous, but I’ll go forward courageously. Like you are doing, I know I can help a lot of people to stand in their true power and live their lives in a way that is more to their liking.
Hey Lauren
That is great inspiration struck that gave you an idea of how you want to use your gifts and I am sure whatever you do will be wonderful. Yeah, that tends to happen right…clarity and inspiration and all feels right and then a bit later, that can wear off and the doubt and all that, peek their heads in again. Totally normal but yeah, not very welcome!
nice post.
I think it;s really helpful to explore all the different ways we can access this inner intuition.
I use inner dialogue. and other hand writing much of the time.
i find both really useful.
Hi Peter
Thanks for your comment. I agree there are many ways to tap into that inner knowing. I am a big fan of writing as well.
This sounds like a great opportunity to grow and figure out what you can eliminate (even temporarily) from your lives in the future. Having lived in Mexico without running water, Internet, and electricity for months at a time (not always by choice), I can tell you from experience it will allow you to take advantage of other things, like writing offline, meditating, enjoying nature, leisurely cooking (with fire, gas, etc.), reading, and spending time with each other. If you really need an Internet fix, you can always get a solar charger for your computer and get a satellite Internet stick. (Be careful, though, because streaming audio and video eats up your data pretty fast–try for an unlimited plan.)
I just got wifi and hot water for the first time in over a year, and I appreciate them the way most people would enjoy a five-star hotel room. That’s another aspect of this job I think you’ll like: when it’s done, the most basic American amenities will feel like luxuries to you.
While, yeah, we technically don’t NEED anything to be more than we are now, I think there are things that allow us to bring our best selves forward in terms of doing what we love and what makes us happy, and that’s my definition of a need (and of course, that changes with time and life circumstances). Can I survive without electricity for months on end? Sure, but hauling ice, planning cold meals, driving to get hot food, charging my phone in my car, or traveling to find electricity for my computer ate up a lot of my day and was ultimately not conducive to me being productive in a way that made me feel like my best self. While I would love not to depend on money and conventional banking, it’s difficult not to in our world, so doing without electricity was not a long-term option for me, especially wanting to work from home as a writer. It was a great experiment, and while electricity may not be a need in terms of the greater spiritual arc of my life, it is a need right now for me to live the life I want. Doing without helps you separate needs from wants when it comes to the things that let you live the life you desire. I don’t need a new handbag, but I kinda need electricity without a game changer that lets me get around it. Does that make sense?
Hey Patricia
Thanks for your thoughts and I agree that it does make time for lots of beneficial things. You are so right that we do get a new appreciation for things that we may take for granted when we go without. I also agree there are things we may desire that allow us to live our best life and it is certainly okay to want them, as are things that would make our life easier. But insisting on having to have any of it is coming from our mind and that very sense of need is what can block these things, and cause us all sorts of stress–I haven’t mastered this yet either! Giving up on the sense of need never means giving up on getting these things…it just means giving up the attachment and the insistence that things must be a certain way and from there, these things and so much more flows in. Enjoy your hot water and wi-fi!
I’ve been following your blog and podcasts for a few months now and you’ve really helped me to shift. And whenever you talk about this specific topic I always think about my current job situation, its someplace I enjoy in many ways, but in many other ways I know in my heart of hearts that I have gleaned all i can from this situation and its time for me to move on to something else, something perfect. I feel like staying where I am currently is one of the few things holding me back from really allowing the universe to flow all the good stuff into my life (or is this a limiting belief?)
I know that opportunity is just around the corner, but…you know the feeling of fear and uncomfort that accompany this task…And the truth is that I know that I would be okay for a little while not working, we could make it…but…its still scary, my mind hops in there and starts trying to figure it all out and see what could possibly come along. I know I am talented and I could do just about anything but I can’t see where the opportunity might come from and that really freaks me out!
Hi Summer
Thanks so much for your comment and I am so glad they have been helping you. On one hand, staying in a situation we may not feel is right for us anymore can stagnate energy but on the other hand, taking a specific action, such as leaving the job, isn’t necessary to get energy moving and allow another opportunity to come to you. Other things can start lining up for you while you are still in the current situation since everything starts from within. Whether or not you leave your job before something else comes along will ultimately be up to you and you’ll get a sense of what is the best move for you. There is some faith and trust required because you are right…you can’t see how it would happen. We really can’t ever because we can’t figure out infinite! THe wheels are obviously turning for you and it will become clearer.
Hey Kelli,
The New Look is awesome Dear!! and Great post ! But How You can tell the difference between taking action on something that excites or scares us or causes panic?
Hi Atinder
Thanks for your comment and I’m glad you like the new design. It would be great if there were a definite answer to that, but there really isn’t. At the deepest level, I think we know if it is a good move at the time or something we may not be ready for. That is why it is so important to get more comfortable tuning into our inner guidance.
Thank you so much! I’ve recently experienced similar situations..So it really resonates with me! I sometimes regret not taking actions because I felt uncomfortable that seemed like universe’s nudge and worry if I missed out on opportunities. I want a great relationship..so for instance, recently, I found a party that looked quite fun and on that day, I was feeling pretty good so I wanted to go to the party but my friend got really late and I was nervous about going alone. So I just went home. But now I think to myself that I could’ve met a guy that I like if I had done that or been there..I think I became more like that after knowing the law of attraction..What do you think of lost opportunities? I wonder how this works. If I pass by or miss some opportunity, if I line up with the energy, then another opportunity comes up? So LOA responds moment-by-moment energy? I’m so curious! I would really appreciate it if you gave me some insight on this.
Hi there
While it is true that certain manifestations could have come about had we acted on intuitive nudges,etc…we can never truly miss out on manifesting the things we want. It’s like if you miss a bus, there is another one coming 20 minute later…no harm done. Everything happens in response to the energy we are putting out there and when we are aligned with what we want (as best as we can be) things that match that energy will come.
Good post, Kelli. I’ve been experiencing this recently in regard to meeting up with someone. I was unsure about it, part of me wanted to but part of me didn’t. As it turned out we’re not able to meet up for now because of a certain situtation, which is alright with me. I think it can be hard to tell whether it’s just fear talking because of stepping outside of your comfort zone or whether it’s really the wrong thing to do. But I suppose deep down inside we really know.
I would be wary about going to a place with no internet! I recently had computer problems and had to get a new computer but at least I had my phone which still gave me some access to the internet. (It was one of the reasons I got it, due to computer problems in the past).
Your assignment sounds like a fun adventure! I hope you and Ryan have a great time. 🙂
Hey Moonsparkle
You are right…it can be challenging sometimes to know. But the way I see it, I don’t think we can ever make a mistake or the wrong move. Whatever choice we make, whatever results will show us something helpful and those experiences help us ‘finetune’ our ability to tune into our inner voice and it gets easier I think. When I look at it that way, I feel less anxiety about making decisions.
Hi Kelli, thanks for your reply. Yes, it helps to think of it that way. Thanks. 🙂
I’m trying to figure out what inspired action to take too but I’m doing something now that feels like I like to do it and feels a little bit like I need to do it but I’m not sure whether it will lead me to what I want or not especially that it looks irrelevant, it’s a business thing but what I want is a personal thing.
Hi Tina
We will often be operating from both spaces simultaneously–we have a mind and we may always be attached to some degree, acting to make something happen,etc… If you feel compelled to do this thing, that means whatever result will be something that will be very helpful for you to see and examine. The key with action is doing your best to detach from whatever your mind thinks or hopes will happen if you take it. One of the reasons we fixate on inspired action so much is because we are still really in control mode and thinking action needs to take place to make certain things happen.