Law of Attraction: Some Common Discomforts that Pop Up and How to Deal

Anyone who engages in any sort of personal development knows that sometimes the road to awesome is rife with bumps of all kinds. This can particularly be the case when you start working consciously with your energy, and getting the law of attraction to ‘work in your favor’ if you will.

Which brings me to a little reminder that I think a lot of people need when doing this work—this force is neutral. It is not judging, deciding, or doing anything else we humans do. The Universe will not withold something because you don’t ‘deserve’ it. It doesn’t matter what mistakes or transgressions you have made in your past. The point of power is ‘now’ and the only way our past can affect our present is if we are still carrying around the same energy and beliefs, and still abiding by any decisions we made way back when.

It doesn’t matter how good of a person you are, or how hard you are ‘trying.’ It can’t give you something to which you are not a match. LOA blogger Melody Fletcher made the great analogy of it being like a computer—input and output, and noted it is simply a mechanical process. Great explanations.

Went off on a bit of a tangent there, and now back to the topic at hand…..

Doing this work is kind of like coming out of a fog. You are moving through the world in a whole new way. You are getting in touch with yourself on a level that you probably never have previously. Coming off auto-pilot and living deliberately can be at the same time, incredibly empowering, and quite disconcerting.

Here are some of my thoughts about this, and I hope that what you read here will soothe you a bit, and help you manifest more easily.

It Seems to Actually be Working and that Freaks You out a Bit

So, you read about LOA. Something about it resonates and you believe there is some truth to this idea. But, your mind is not really on board. This is just such a different way of thinking and being than you have been engaging in your whole life.

But, things aren’t going so hot and you give this whole conscious creation thing a whirl. And then things actually start getting better, and it surprises you, because let’s face it, on some level, you don’t expect it to work. It just can’t be this easy.

And, you may freak out a bit. Realizing how much power we truly have is one on hand, freaking awesome, and on another, kind of scary. You realize how passively we live most of the time, just letting life happen to us. That is kind of what we believed it was supposed to be like, and even though this new way of being is a hell of a lot better, it is still very new. And anything new, even when it is good, can still make us a bit fearful and uncomfortable.

Realizing what a powerful creator we are opens up a whole new world of possibility for us. Things we wold have deemed impossible for us before starting this work, all of a sudden ,are anything but. Again, awesome, but scary. You start to see what a limited vision you have of yourself and that it simply is not true in the least.

And as great as it is that you realize this, it can feel really uncomfortable, because even if you weren’t exactly happy with the type of life you had or person you were, it was familiar and comfortable. It served you in some way.

As much as beliefs like you need to suffer, change has to be painful and difficult, you need to bust your ass to succeed, and other crap, have held you down, and caused you so much strife, you are comfortable believing these things.

It allowed you to abdicate responsibility for your life. It allowed you to fit in with other people and not make any sort of waves. You certainly wouldn’t draw any attention to yourself, or run the risk of being challenged on these views. You would find no shortage of people to commiserate with, and reinforce them.

You have identified so strongly with the negative aspects of yourself and the bad things that have happened, and who would you be without these stories?

Any of this sound familiar? It’s okay, you are certainly not alone. I still experience this sometimes as I manifest bigger things with little effort. I’m still like..really, this is all it takes? It’s this easy? My mind is still interfering just like anyone else, but over time, this resistance gets much more subtle.

That acceptance of these feelings is one of the most powerful keys to dealing with them, and reducing the intensity of the ‘freak out.’ Really focus on enjoying your manifestations, and congratulate yourself on this work you are doing. You are taking control of your life, and yeah, coming from a space where lack of control was a predominant vibe, that will feel weird sometimes.

When you feel yourself backsliding, turn to materials that reinforce your faith in these concepts, things that resonate with you strongly. As a human, you are going to experience a range of emotions—that is part and parcel of being a living, breathing being blessed with consciousness. Things are just going to get better and better, and you will become more comfortable with living from this more empowered, positive space.

You Kind of Feel Worse than You Did Before

One of the first things we need to do when we first start working with law of attraction is take inventory of what is happening in our lives now and how we are feeling. Chances are, your interest in this subject was prompted by some sort of unpleasantness in your life, whether it is your much lamented single status, less than ideal financial situation, being stuck in a job you hate, or just a general malaise about your overall existence.

So, you are aware you are not feeling so hot. But, up until this point, you have probably been suppressing the full extent of it. Lots of rationalizing, denial, distraction and what have you. But, now you are really feeling the full extent of it for the first time. It appears you feel worse, but this is kind of how you always felt, you just had never fully stepped into the belly of the beast.

Acknowledging our feelings is the first step to transforming them, and for the really heavy stuff that is buried deep in your vibration, you can’t just gloss over them, hoping they will go away.

In theory it is possible to shift energy and release beliefs quite quickly, but in the beginning especially, your mind is going to want to participate, which will involve analyzing, rehashing the past and what have you. Then there is the belief this type of work takes a lot of effort and a long time, and we have to make peace that it is there and will probably impact the process. But, as time goes on, you will see it will become easier to shift negative beliefs and feelings.

So, if you are experiencing this right now, know that things are not getting worse, nor has the work actually made you feel worse—you have simply tuned into what was there the whole time. And while it may not feel great, this purge will help move things along quite nicely. You are letting go all the stuff that has been holding you back. I believe everything comes at the right time, and you are right where you are supposed to be right now…this is the work you are meant to be doing on yourself, and you can handle it.

Things are Changing but Not in the Way You Expected

This is a biggie because we just can’t help but try and figure out how the things we want are going to come to us. We formulate very specific visions for how our manifestation will go. We have a very limited view of what we want is supposed to look like.

We anticipate that from this moment on,  our life will be dripping in awesome every second, and that we will be bombarded with one great thing after another—after all, that is what working with LOA consciously is all about right? Living a life of ease and joy?

Yes, that is what it is all about. But, when you really begin to shift energy, that may result in manifestations that you deem ‘bad’ and you go into a panic. You worry it isn’t working or you are doing something wrong. You make judgments about these manifestations, and misinterpret them. Things don’t seem to be going as you ‘planned’ them, and it throws you off big time.

But, like I have said before, everything that happens is serving you, and helping you reach your ultimate goals. When we let this idea permeate our being more deeply, we gain a whole new perspective on anything ‘unwanted.’ We realize something that we would normally categorize as ‘bad’ is anything but.

If you have set strong intentions to find a job that allows you to live your passions, the quickest way to get there may be getting fired from your current job…the job you kind of hate, remember?

If you have set strong intentions to love yourself more, and live a more authentic life, the quickest way to get there may be your current boyfriend gravitating out of your experience by leaving you out of the blue…the boyfriend who treats you kind of crappy and whom you know in your heart is a really bad match for you, remember?

If you have decided you want to attract more positive people into your life, the quickest way to make room for them may involve some sort of incident where a current friendship ends…the friendship that was kind of toxic and totally draining you emotionally, remember?

As we move towards what we want and gain some momentum, we are likely to run into obstacles along the way, obstacles that allow us to see what beliefs are still dominant, obstacles that help us clarify what we want. Experiencing things we don’t like is one of the best ways to figure out what we do. Without these things popping up, we would have absolutely no idea where we were vibrationally speaking.

Relax your ‘requirements’ for what your manifestation must look like. Don’t insist that certain things must happen for your efforts to be considered a ‘success.’ Focus on the feelings that lie behind your desires and you will attract more experiences that feel this way—that is what you are truly after anyway, so you will be satisfied with the outcome no matter what it ends up looking like.

Remember that whatever happens is all part of the process, and will help you get to wherever you have decided you want to go.

In Closing…

This whole living life by design thing can be a giant pain in the ass sometimes. You may have moments where you just wish you could settle for ‘good enough,’ and that you didn’t care about this type of stuff. I get it. But, it is all so worth it, if it means doing the things we truly want to do, releasing what drags us down, and feeling enthusiastic and excited about life, and not some sense of dread or indifference.

Working consciously with the attraction process can change your life in ways few other things can, and while it may be challenging at times, I can’t image any other way to operate. Just keep at it. Work on feeling good. Pay attention to the little manifestations that show you that you are on the right path. Celebrate all the good in your life. Know you are whole and complete now, right in this very moment.

Your Turn…

What did you think of the post? What resonated with you the most? What discomforts are you experiencing right now in your work with LOA? How are you coping? Looking forward to your thoughts so we can have a nice chat!

Law of Attraction: Some Common Discomforts that Pop Up and How to Deal

10 thoughts on “Law of Attraction: Some Common Discomforts that Pop Up and How to Deal

  1. Keeping high energy through the ride KC allows us to ride out the interesting periods, and your primer here does a wonderful job helping folks through these times. I started using the LOA to manifest neat stuff. It worked OK but I was taken down a road that led to many freeing and totally uncomfortable situations. This is code for losing all of my freaking money and physical possessions lol!

    It was good, because I started at ground zero. I had a lovely baseline to work up from, where I could learn how to step up the vibrational ladder one step at a time. It was humbling in some ways but oh so freeing because I was no longer subject to the many manias and problems I had about losing it all, as I felt during prior years.

    The Universe knows the best and quickest way to help us manifest what we’d like, always, but we must be open to it. We should not fight it, because if we do, we’ll just delay the inevitable. I’d also found a while back that getting clear on one intent and feeling a ton more whole and complete than the average person helps you manifest cool things with increasing less effort. This can be freaky in some ways, because as you noted above with the freaked out feelings when you’re manifesting with less effort, you’ll kinda realize how powerful you really are. Scary experience and oh so freeing too.

    KC, wonderful post here. LOA students everywhere are getting some dead on primers 3 days a week. Kudos to you for spreading the positive word.



    1. Hey Ryan
      There is something kind of freeing in losing everything and getting that fresh start, though we may not see that in the moment all the time. you are right about the good old U knowing the best and fastest path to manifesting what we want. You are right, it can be freaky in many ways because it flies in the face of what we have always believed and that can throw us for a loop.

  2. Hi Kelli,

    Omg this speaks to me so much. A bunch of good things have been happening for me and some being things that a recently asked for, and I didn’t start to get freaked out.

    I kind of wanted to step back because I was so scared but I really wanted it to happen at the same time. I didn’t want to miss the opportunity, you know. I kind of thought it was because it was a bit out of my comfort zone.

    Reading this is like you were in my head. It’s funny how the norm can be so comfortable yet undesirable. It almost puts you in a state of confusion.


    1. Hi Lea
      So glad you enjoyed the post and it resonated with you. It is fascinating because I think we get used to a way of thinking that we probably can’t get a lot of the things we want, and when we actually do and see how easy it is, it can definitely mess with our heads a bit! New can be scary, even when it is good..we have to reorient ourselves a bit and get used to the new reality. It sounds like you have had a lot of movement lately and that is awesome. It’s normal to feel a bit thrown by it all.

  3. I love this post. Especially the part about freaking out when things appear to be going south, but sometimes they have to so the manifestation can happen. I get lost in that so many times.

    I have a home I’ve been trying to sell off and on for almost 9 years. I want it sold badly as it’s cost us so much money and I won’t get all the funds back. So basically sell at a loss. (I live out of the country and haven’t seen the house in 7 years, it’s a rental) I’m really working on my LOA techniques and working on why I’ve been so “stuck” over the years. I think I’ve been punishing myself for the mistake of purchasing it, and feeling like I’m continually being punished by all the negative things that have been associated with the ongoing never ending experience. How could a house have this much control over me??? Crazy. The goal: let it go!!!

    I also love the point about easing off how we feel the manifestation should happen. But enjoy the essence of the end result feeling. So basically go more general. I’ll definitely re-read this post a few times to help it all sink in. And I’m going to use these tips to reinforce my dream of being free of the rental.

    Thank you so much Kelli!

    1. Hi Corin
      Thanks so much. So glad you liked it.I think we can all get lost there sometimes…we do this work to get good stuff and to feel better, and that can be hard when we experience something that we don’t perceive as being good. It triggers the fears and doubts about what will happen and if we will get what we are ultimately after. That you are beating yourself up a bit for thinking you did something wrong in buying it is likely a factor–we tend to be really hard on ourselves when we ‘mess up’ and think how a particular action may be contributing to any problems we are having now. Going more general can be very helpful because the more specific we get, the more resistance can be activated. But, if getting specific evokes positivity, then we should go for it, but it can take a bit to get there. Thank you for taking the time to comment and hope to see you around more!

  4. There is definitely a process one grows through as they embrace LOA as a fundamental perspective on life. With any foundational shift like that, there is going to be a lot that seems to be falling apart. You really have to trust the process. I find what helps a lot with that is to practically brainwash myself each day. I mean, the old conditioned thinking is pretty much doing exactly that with every TV show, song on the radio, news story, etc. It is constant teaching of one theory on life, so if you’re going to shift over to a new theory, you have to drill it into yourself with similar frequency. That’s why I love reading posts like these and also listening to Abe videos on YouTube. I do yoga to them most mornings and also listen to at least one right before I go to bed each night. Though I have already accomplished a lot with LOA in the 15 years I’ve been practicing it, and have also been channeling for myself for just as long, I never see it as something that is “done.” We are always works in progress.

    1. Hey Indigo
      Thanks so much for your insightful comment. You are right, it is a whole process where things can be a bit rocky at times. Trust is a huge part of it, and for most of us, that grows over time as we see the results of the work we have been doing. Then, our mind starts to cooperate a bit more, and the truth of it all seeps in a bit deeper. You are right about the regular exposure to information that will cement this way of thinking and being–there is a lot of conditioning we have to root out and that can’t be accomplished with just sporadic efforts. I like the Abe videos as well..that is one of the things that really helped me personally as well. You are so right about never being ‘done.’ I think people can get discouraged by this, but it is not about never being satisfied or never getting what you want, but rather the fact that we will always want to be creating something new that we may not be a match to in this moment, and the fact that we will never become some ‘perfect’ being and we will always have something we want to tweak to maximize our experience here. Thanks again..always love your comments!

    1. Hi there
      So glad you enjoyed it. It really is all okay…our mind just has a hard time accepting that and we need to remind ourselves of it often!

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