Law of Attraction: 3 Snafus Keeping Your Manifestations in Limbo

Frustration is a common feeling when it comes to working consciously with law of attraction. We have our sights set on certain things, and we just want them so badly.

It is supposed to be so easy, and at the core, it is, but over the years, we haven’t exactly been groomed to become the all-powerful creators we truly are.

In fact, we are led to believe we are not very powerful at all. Sure, there is a lot of lip service about being able to achieve anything, blah,blah,blah, but on the whole, we are not very positive, nor do we expect much.

We are taught to get anywhere, we have to suffer, sacrifice and bust our ass. Only then do we deserve to reap the rewards. We are never fully in control, and must hope outside circumstances align in our favor, or we’re basically screwed.

So, there is obviously some work to do on that front, and to get into the manifesting groove, some adjustments need to be made.

As some of you may know from reading this post, there was a period of a couple of weeks where I was doing some major clearing that allowed me to take things to a new level. I’m not quite out of the woods yet, but things have calmed down a lot.

I think about law of attraction a lot as evidenced by my blog, and most of my clients are interested in exploring that with me so there’s that. But I have been thinking about it a lot more over these last few weeks because of my own experience, particularly the various issues that stand in the way of stepping into our power more fully.

These three things popped into my head so they are the focus of today’s post…hope you enjoy!

Trusting Negative Manifestations More Than Positive Ones

Chances are, anyone who is reading this is doing so because they have seen positive manifestations that make them believe this whole LOA thing is real and they want to hone their manifesting capability.

Perhaps they are smaller things or big things..either way they gave you a delicious feeling that confirms we control our reality and all we need to do is focus on what we want in lieu of what we don’t.

This certainly helps build faith and trust, but not as much as you would think apparently. It would seem this ‘proof’ would dispel all our reservations.

After all, the manifesting process works the same no matter what you are trying to manifest. If we see it happen once, we should have full faith it will work its magic again on whatever we have set our sights.

But, as you probably know, it doesn’t work this way much of the time. These manifestations are great in the moment, but as soon as something unwanted happens, it all goes right out the window.

We are still not fully trusting this is the way reality works, and anytime we have an unwanted manifestation, it just serves to validate those reservations. Your mind is screaming..I KNEW IT! I was worried this was going to happen and IT DID..I was right.

The only thing being validated however is the truth that what we focus on expands, that we attract situations that mirror back our predominant feelings and beliefs.

The positive manifestations were not because of luck, randomness or just a fluke. You created this situation. You did that. And you can do it again and again and again.

There is a fear that you won’t be able to keep manifesting these good things, and the unwanted manifestations just feed into that.

You are not fully trusting the positive manifestations as much as the negative ones.

Shifting this is actually not as hard as it would seem. It is just about making the deliberate effort to shift your thinking when you find yourself ruminating over the unwanted, and wrongly concluding this means you may not be able to have what you want, and you should be mired down in worry and fear.

You see, once we realize how our mind works, and when it is going off the rails, it comes down to choice…we have to choose to change our focus. It really is that simple.

Not always easy of course, but it is not complicated. We just need to practice it a bit.

Only Focusing on What You Want, Not What It Represents

We decide we want something, we do our visualizing, be positive, imagine it is already ours and boom…into our reality it comes. This is pretty much true, but there is a bit more to it than that.

Simply thinking about something isn’t enough to get it. Visualizing is not manifesting—it is a very helpful tool, but just one of many tools in the creation process.

But, what really brings what we want into our reality is being a match to what that thing represents to us. This is why I am constantly reminding you like a broken record that what you are truly after is a feeling, and to get what you want, you really want to work on feeling now like you would if you already had it.

Thinking positively about something is a great way to cultivate some positive emotion, but to really speed up the process, you have to give some thought to what that thing represents to you. And once you figure that out, you will be in a much better position to manifest it.

By seeing what it represents, you’ll be able to accomplish two things. First, you’ll have an easier time finding other things now that allow you to feel that same way, and two, you’ll uncover if you have any screwy beliefs and feelings that need some shifting to make you a better match.

Let’s take money for example. Money is a means to an end, and nothing more. It really isn’t money you want. If I handed you a big bag of money but said you couldn’t lay a finger on it ever, it would be useless.

You want money because you think it will allow you to do certain things, that it will give you certain feelings.

I’d venture to guess one of those feelings is security. And if you are hoping to get money to feel secure, that probably means you don’t feel very secure right now. It’s okay..this a big issue with lots of people who want to manifest money.

So, it stands to reason that until you work on cultivating a feeling of security now, you will have a hard time manifesting more money.

Or, you’ll manage to manifest some money, but it will just amplify the feelings of insecurity. Now there is more money to worry about losing and not being able to manifest again. Money is the ultimate amplifier.

As some of you may remember, I have relayed a story about losing my income a few years back and then manifesting more money than I had ever made by landing three long-term freelancing jobs all within the same week.

That manifestation showed I definitely made some positive headway with my money vibration. But, for those of you that haven’t already experienced this, a particular manifestation can touch on many different things in your vibration simultaneously, a mix of positive and negative.

One of the most fascinating things about that manifestation was even though I went from being broke as a joke to flush with cash, way more than required for my needs, I did not feel one bit more secure about money. I found myself worrying about it as much as I had before.

Granted, there was some obvious easing up now that I was actually making money, able to catch up on past due bills,etc…but by and large, I didn’t feel as better as I would have imagined.

And know why? Because everything comes from within, and anything outside of us really can’t change the inner world. Sure, a particular manifestation may give us some temporary boost, but it is just that..temporary.

That money manifestation also served to show me that I still had some jacked up stuff around money, and when I would experience fluctuations, all that fear would surface full-force, revealing that while I had it going on money-wise in many respects, my vibration around it was still largely unstable, and all of that was being mirrored back to me.

When we don’t pay enough attention to what our desires represent to us, it either delays them, or we get manifestations that show us exactly what needs to be cleaned up still.

And while we are always being served by those types of manifestations, we can cut down on them by doing this bit of detective work, and getting to the root of the matter.

Missing the Key Benefit of the Whole ‘Feeling Good Now’ Thing

There are countless reasons to work on feeling good now. Primarily because we want to be happy, so we should do all we can to facilitate that. Feeling good now makes us a better match to all the things we want that will make us feel good in some way.

Waiting around to feel better until our stuff gets here is really not the way to go. It is disempowering to think we can’t feel better on our own, and that outside circumstances have to give us a reason to feel better.

I know it is easier when something happens to evoke positive emotion, I am in that boat myself at times. But, being at the mercy of outside forces is not fun at all, so we want to do our best to move out of that mode of operating.

But, do you know the most important reason for feeling good, the reason that if we really let seep into our being, will make it much easier to feel good, that will make it much easier to do stuff that makes us feel happy without feeling guilt or like we are being ‘lazy?’

Because the better you feel, the easier it will be to access more positive thoughts and emotions. The better you feel, the easier it is to see the solutions to your problems, to let in the inspiration that will lead to effective action, to hear your intuition and heed its promptings.

The higher you climb up the mountain, the more you can see. The higher your vibration, the harder it is for the lower energies to take hold. They naturally dissipate as the more positive focusing becomes second-nature.

You will come to see that the feeling good is not just an end goal, but a very powerful tool in and of itself. And when you realize this, it is much easier to get into that space.

You will find it easier to stabilize in this higher vibration. You won’t have to work as ‘hard’ at feeling better. There will be more balance, and when you are not feeling great, it won’t be as intense and you’ll be able to move to the other end of the spectrum with greater ease. You’ll be more resilient.

By giving yourself permission to feel good (or at least better) now without the need to grasp onto something outside of you to justify the emotional boost, you are going to make this business of consciously creating your reality a hell of a lot easier.

Sure, you will have your moments. Stuff will come up to show you that there is still some resistance, and it may throw you for a loop.

But, again, you’ll be more stable in that higher vibe and these things won’t feel like the end of the world like they might have at one time. You’ll realize you aren’t regressing, but actually moving forward.

I hope what you wrote here will give you a new resolve to work on feeling good now in any way you can, that you realize more clearly how important a piece of the puzzle it truly is.

In Closing…

I am sure over time you have had plenty of positive is all about deciding they are equally as valid as any negative ones. All our manifestations are a result of where we have been putting our focus.

When you are focusing negatively, negative manifestations will come about as evidenced by our experience. The positive side of these experiences is they are providing that all important proof of what is actually creating our reality—our focus.

If we can remember that, we’ll be much more motivated to focus on what we want.

Think about all the things you want, and what they represent to you. What is coming up when you do that? Why do you want what you want?

There is something you are hoping to achieve by getting it, and you’ll have to work on whatever that is, whether it is focusing more on a particular feeling, or shifting something that might be keeping it from you.

Feeling good is not just an end game, but a very helpful tool in and of itself. It brings you from the valley where it is really hard to see how things can get better to higher ground where you will have access to so much more that lends itself to getting what you want.

Your Turn…

What did you think of this post? What piece of advice was most relevant to you right now? Anything resonate with you in particular? Would you add anything to what I said here? What tips would you give for feeling better now, exactly as things are now? Looking forward to your comments as always.



Law of Attraction: 3 Snafus Keeping Your Manifestations in Limbo

14 thoughts on “Law of Attraction: 3 Snafus Keeping Your Manifestations in Limbo

  1. Love the analogy of feeling good to climbing to the top of the mountain to get a better view – hopefully that will help me remember what to do when I’m struggling! Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi Tess
      Glad that resonated with you. Like I said in the post, we can sometimes forget the feeling good is actually a tool for manifesting and not just the goal. When we feel better, we can get a whole different perspective and become a stronger match for more good thoughts, solutions and anything else that will help move us along. And that just makes everything so much easier! We all struggle with this at times..the shift from our old way of thinking to this way is quite big and it can be a process for sure.

  2. [ Smiles ] Kelli, feeling good first is most vital. A lot of people have made the error of only waiting to feel good after they manifested something that they want.

    And, if we can screw up by creating negative manifestations, we can can examine them and learn from them; which should help us to create positive manifestations.

    Anyway, the real cause of negative manifestations is, focusing intensively on the things that you don’t want.

    1. Hi Renard
      Thanks so much for your comment. You are right..that way of operating is what makes more sense to our mind. We believe we really can’t feel better until we get what we want, but we kind of don’t have a choice if we want to get things more easily and joyfully, which is how it can be when we work more consciously with our energy. There is always something to be learned from our negative manifestations like you say, and when we can see things that way, they won’t knock us off kilter so easily anymore. We will just see them as part of the process.

  3. I love this article so much!! A real eye opener! Lol I used to always think that I had to feel great all the time to create a positive, delicious life but that’s not the case. Haha my own mind was saying you have to feel great to get things aka ” Expectations too large “. Now from expericing that I finally get when you say feeling good creates what you want in your life. That feeling creates something greater then I had ever expected. Now I know to trust my positive feelings and not take my worries too seriously. Because the universe knows better than I. Thank you for your fantastic articles. A great reminder 🙂

    1. Hi Kerby
      Thanks so glad you enjoyed the post. I think that is a common concern when we start working with law of attraction, and we can become quite anxious about our negative thoughts and feelings. Obviously, the better we feel more of the time, the easier the process is. But, we have to remember we are transitioning to a way of being that is very different from how we have been living our lives, and just dropping everything and totally buying into this belief system is probably not going to happen. It would be great, but not likely. We just have to deal with whatever comes up, work on clearing it out and keeping our focus where we want it. We can manifest lots of great things without being’ perfect’. I am so happy you enjoy the blog and you are seeing such positive results in your own life..things will just keep getting better!

  4. I especially love the point about any hidden beliefs behind what we want. Love what you said about how trying to find the meaning behind a desire can benefit us in the manifestation process. Especially when it comes to more highly charged goals. When being in a state of stuckness, it can be frustrating to try and figure out why things aren’t happening. Sometimes there are a few layers of stuff getting in the way. I will definitely keep this point in mind this week as I continue to work on my wants.

    Thanks Kelli!

    1. Hi Corin
      You are so right about there being layers of ‘stuff’ that need to be worked through. It can be frustrating sometimes to deal with all of this, but soworth it because life just takes on a whole new depth and it is a pretty great feeling to think we can create whatever we want.

  5. Hey Kelli,

    I start my day off with saying thank you. I have a devotional journal and then I write down what I’m grateful for that day.

    I also write positive affirmations on my mirrors. I think all of these things have help me slowly manifest things a little at a time.

    I’m just happy to be healthy, happily married and alive. 🙂 Lisa

    1. Hey Lisa
      I really like all of those exercises, and that is great you make them a regular habit. It is good to have rituals,etc..that get us into that good-feeling space. The more we enter it, the easier it gets to stay there, and the lower moments don’t throw us for a loop as much because we have more balance.

      Those are three things for which to be appreciative of for sure!

  6. Kelli,

    I love this post, I am actually going to go back to the first of this series and get caught up! Recently my husband and I were going downhill until we decided that we didn’t want to feel that way anymore. With enough positive momentum we are flying higher than we have in a very long time…why waste time and energy thinking about negative things?? Law of Attraction has caught up to us and we have found ourselves surrounded with new friends and less drama. 🙂 Thanks for your post!

    1. Hi Ashleigh
      So glad you like the post. Isn’t it amazing what can happen when conscious decisions are made to shift focus and move in another direction? It changes our energy and sets powerful intentions, which sets in motion the receiving of whatever it is we want. I am so happy to hear things are going better, and with that momentum building ,things will just continue to get better and better.

  7. Hey Kelli,

    A very powerful post. The power is so simple, however we must at times learn such on our own away from our nearest and dearest. It is at times needed to overcome what has been there and leave such alone on its own. As You say in Your article we created our own reality. It needs to be acknowledged and unfortunately there are those who are unaware that they created that reality themselves. They need to dig themselves out of that mess too.

    Often it means doing the work to stop that which is happening and to deal with that situation at that point. Yet that means that the person has to realize what has gone on and acknowledge they created such as well.
    Have a wonderful weekend,

    1. Hi Ben
      Thanks so much for your comment and I am so glad you enjoyed the post. You are right about that lack of awareness that most of us hold…we have been conditioned in various ways that we don’t realize the power we have over creating our reality and how we contribute to our experience. It can be hard to accept at first, but then it is kind of great because we realize we are able to change what we don’t like, and we aren’t stuck with it. That acknowledging of where we are, and how we are feeling right now is very powerful and an important step in the right direction.

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