We are basically comprised of two parts—big us and little us. Big us is our soul, spirit, higher self, or whatever you want to call it, and is directly connected to All That Is. This part of us is vibrating high and is pure love, happiness and all other sorts of warm fuzzies. It knows what a powerful creator we are, and that anything is possible for us. It knows our true purpose here is to create what we want, and simply be happy.
Then there is little us, human us. This part is not totally connected to All That Is. Our souls are so advanced and so confident in their ability to consciously create reality, they come here to exist in a form that basically ‘forgets’ all of this, and is given the opportunity to rediscover if a particular person feels so inclined to go down that path. The mind, while it serves us well in countless ways, can really get in the way of this process of getting back in touch with ‘big’ us and claiming our full power.
We have been taught certain truths, and have seen plenty of ‘proof’ of them, in our own life and that of countless others. We naturally rely heavily on logic, and something like law of attraction just doesn’t seem to make any sense. This is something that is kind of beyond our grasp fully when you think about it. So I would like to add here that as you study it more, it will make more sense to you, but don’t worry about totally understanding it, to get it to work for you. Luckily that isn’t necessary.
I imagine most people get into their work with LOA because something within just clicks. This idea our thoughts, feelings and beliefs can help mold our reality–beyond the obvious way of consciously influencing our decisions—just feels right to us. We may have already seen some proof of this here and there, and that just solidifies it.
But, as we all know, even if intuitively we feel there is some truth to it, totally buying in immediately on a deeper level, doesn’t seem to be happening so quickly. We have really deeply ingrained beliefs that have a huge amount of energy behind them. We are so used to thinking certain thoughts, we just go there automatically. It just seems too good to be true. And so the struggle begins between mind and spirit.
This can be super-frustrating because you now know you are calling the shots, and you get pissed at yourself for messing it up. You just can’t seem to get out of your own way, and this just intensifies all the negativity you may be feeling. Feeling badly makes you feel even more badly, and this just moves us further away from everything we want. That damn brain of ours insists on coming to the party, as unwelcome as he may be sometimes.
But, the good news is, we can start getting lots of great stuff even if little us hasn’t fully bought into this whole conscious creation thing. We don’t need to obliterate every obstacle in a particular area of life to start seeing results—our manifestations may be a bit more limited in the sense that we may close off some pathways, but we can still open up plenty.
For example, let’s say you got really good at shifting your energy in regards to becoming more financially successful at your sales job, but still weren’t quite convinced the ‘Universe’ was the true source, and everything else was mere channels. You start killing it with more clients and your commission gets a nice boost courtesy of increased sales of bigger ticket products and services, but you probably wouldn’t experience many money manifestations from ‘out of nowhere.’ You might still be working a bit harder than necessary, but things have gotten a lot better so it’s still awesome.
Here are a few tips I would like to offer for getting your brain on board for this process.
But, first, I wanted to remind everyone about my free manifesting money call I’m doing tonight January 26th from 8 to 9 PM EST..you don’t need to register, just follow the link provided here at the time of the call. You will have an opportunity to ask question through a chat feature or directly if you so choose.
And back to winning the battle with your brain…
Reconditioning Your Subconscious with Affirmations
I know affirmations get a bad rap, but when done right, they can be incredibly effective. One of the big problems with affirmations is our brain tends to argue with the statements. We are saying things that aren’t true in this immediate reality, and it will not hesitate to point this out to you immediately.
But, when we craft them properly, they can be an awesome tool for planting new beliefs and thought patterns into our subconscious–that part of us where our life experiences, and what we were taught by others, created a mish mash of limiting, and sometimes, downright silly beliefs, about being defective, not good enough, not deserving of love and happiness, not being able to be financially successful..oh boy that list could go on and on.
Deliberately focusing on more empowering beliefs and feelings is a necessity, and affirmations can help us do it.
Don’t make statements that you really truly can’t buy into. If you are barely able to pay your bills, saying over and over you are overflowing with abundance probably won’t feel so great. But, what might feel good is saying something like ‘I easily accept new thoughts about abundance and am ready to receive more money.’
Some people find saying them in the second or third person is helpful..as if the ‘big’ you or the Universe were telling you these things are going to happen for you.
If you feel really resistant to ‘I am’ or ‘I have’ type statements, you may enjoy just saying words that represent what you want, without inserting yourself into the equation at all. What words represent what you want to create? Wealth, abundance, confidence, peace, trust? Identify the ones that are most relevant to your situation and just say them to yourself a few times a day for a few minutes.
Affirmations are great for when you first wake up and when you are starting to fall asleep. In these moments, your mind is in a more relaxed state where it is much more open to suggestion. They are great to say when you feel your mind going off in a negative direction…the statements or words can shake you loose from that train of thought, or at the very least, reduce the intensity if you are really feeling sucked in.
Look for Proof of the New Beliefs
Before discovering law of attraction, I imagine most people’s lives weren’t just one giant ball of misery. You may have been living largely ‘unconsciously,’ but this doesn’t mean you were completely devoid of any positive beliefs, happy moments and good experiences.
Visualizing, affirmations, and other tools designed to condition your mind to accept new truths, are extremely powerful. But their effectiveness can be stunted by your brain’s inability to accept said truths with ease. It will automatically throw together a catalog of all the experiences that contradict this, and will do a very good job of convincing you that this is all there is to show you.
So, one of the best ways to get your brain on board is to remind it of incidents that prove this new, more empowering belief has something to it. No matter what it is you are trying to attract, I assure you there is some experience in your past that supports the idea it is possible for you.
If you are bummed because you only ever seem to have ‘just enough’ money, I am sure there were plenty of times when you had more than enough and were able to do something fun like take a vacation. If you have a savings account, regardless of how little may be in there, that is also proof. Maybe you have not experienced a time where you had thousands of extra dollars, but there were times when you certainly had more than just what you needed to pay bills and other expenses. So, yeah, you have already experienced having more than enough.
Maybe you have always been attracted to the ‘bad boys’ and this has led to nothing but relationship disaster and you are convinced you will not find anyone that is truly good for you. But, then looking back on it, you remember all the ‘nice guys’ who expressed interest, but that you weren’t interested in because well, they were nice, and that was just a huge turnoff. Us ladies can be totally nutso sometimes when it comes to guys, am I right? So, yeah, those guys gravitated into your experience in the past, and they can again.
No matter how small something may be, it is significant in that it can support this new belief. It will appease your brain, and make it much more malleable. It won’t fight you as much.
Practice Feeling and Thinking Positively
The idea we have to practice feeling good and thinking positively is quite strange, and a bit sad, but we kind of have to. Whatever negative thoughts, beliefs and feelings you have now have a hell of a lot of power behind them..they have been with you for years and years. You are so used to thinking and being a certain way, just totally jumping the negativity ship for the shores of positivity is not likely to happen in practice.
One of the things people lament the most about their struggles with attracting the things they want is how hard it is to shake their negative thoughts and beliefs. Yeah, it can be tough. But, one of the reasons it is so hard is because we have very little experience with deliberately focusing on the good stuff. There is very little momentum behind these kinds of thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and we can get sucked back in the other direction no problem. We automatically go to the negative because that is the way we have always went. At the core, it is really just mental laziness when you think about it.
At first, we need to make some conscious effort go to our ‘happy place.’ We need to overcome our mental laziness and actually practice focusing positively. It might feel really weird and uncomfortable at first to go there…we are not used to it. It may feel ‘off.’
But, the more momentum you build behind the good stuff, the more your mind will travel there naturally. You’ll gradually weaken the momentum behind the negativity, and even when you get caught up in it, and you will sometimes, it doesn’t feel as strong. You won’t stay there as long. Moving back to the positive focus will not feel like such an effort, it will be more like gliding, rather than trudging.
Here’s the thing that is so important to remember: thoughts are manifestations of our energy. If you are managing to think positive thoughts, you are in a higher place energetically in that very moment. You are beginning the process of aligning with what you want…you just have to keep up with it. You just have to keep going. This deliberate act of shifting your focus, even if just for a few minutes at a time, is more powerful than you can imagine.
So, spend some time getting into the warm, fuzzy feelings and thoughts that support getting what you want. Let your visualizations go wherever your mind takes you..you are trying to get into the feelings of what it is you want, so don’t worry if what you are thinking about is not ‘realistic’ or matches exactly what you want to create. If you are thinking about opening a women’s clothing store, it is okay to have fun, and think about hot men serving champagne while they shop.
Don’t worry too much about getting too specific, unless it feels really good. Specifics can really activate our jerky brain because the more details there are, the more there is for it to fight us on. For example, you might envision yourself becoming more successful with your business, but if you start thinking about specifics, like creating new products or programs, when you really have no clue now how you would do that, it probably won’t feel that good. Envision yourself just sharing your expertise..maybe you are giving an interview or talking with a client.
Don’t underestimate the power of doing this. You would be amazed at how quickly your energy can shift, and how fast you will start to see little signs that you are lining up with what you want.
In Closing…
Your mind is going to fight you on all this attraction stuff—it is just part of the process. Gaining some degree of acceptance about this can go a long way in reducing the frustration that pops up when our brain just won’t cooperate, because anytime we accept something, rather than hate it and fight it, it becomes much easier to deal with it. Try not to hate your mind so much…ultimately, it is just trying to help, and it doesn’t have nefarious intentions. Kind of like when I was just trying to help my mom clean when I was little by pouring Comet all over the carpet, or help her make breakfast by cracking a whole carton of eggs on the kitchen floor. Show a bit more compassion for your brain, and let it know everything is going to be okay, and that what you are trying to accomplish is a good thing.
Your Turn…
What did you think of the post? What tip was most helpful for you? What tips would you add? Do you have any affirmations that seem to work well for you? What does your mind fight you most on? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts as always!
Affirmations are solid gold KC. Some dismiss ’em but blame the craftsman, not the tool, I say. After doing affies and other mental science to start my day I noted a surge in creativity, prosperity and I tune into abundance far more easily than I used to. Go within to change the without. Powerful notes here! Being persistent – by iDing your motivator – can get you on the straight and narrow as far as getting your brain on board regularly.
Keep on inspiring with the great work/play!
Hey Ryan
I love that..blame the craftsmen, not the tool. When done right, they are a great way to make more positive focus natural and dominant. That is a great tip about identifying our main motivators…it gives us something to focus on.
Your upcoming storm is even making the news here in Australia. Hope you are snug and safe. Too bad you are not in Bali already!
I used to dismiss affirmations for a long time because they didn’t seem very useful but now I think they are great. After all, my childhood was just one big long affirmation – albeit negative, but it was messages repeated day in day out and they certainly stuck!
I like to work on changing a different limiting belief that I have on a regular basis and then adding an affirmation about that to my list that I read out every day once or twice.
Like I want to do temping right now but I had a bad experience temping in the past that keeps popping up to haunt me whenever I think about it, so I told myself “that was one time, it doesn’t have to be like that now” and added “Temping is fun” and “It is easy to find work” to my list of affirmations. Eventually it seeps into my subconscious. I think repetition is the key. Also writing them down and speaking them out loud makes then more effective I find.
I survived the big storm..it actually turned out to be not as big as they thought because at one point, it drifted out towards the ocean. But, just got a good shoveling workout in, so if I don’t do my walk later, I won’t feel so bad! Yeah, affirmations are usually the first thing lambasted when the subject of positive thinking is brought up. But, there really is no such thing as a ‘bad’ tool..the big issue with affirmations actually points to one of the core misunderstandings of LOA which is it is about what we are feeling, not really what we say and think, though those obviously tie in. If we can formulate statements that evoke positive emotion, they are a very good tool. It is all about doing what actually produces the feelings, and that means anything can work.
That is a good strategy, and you are so right about the repetition being key. It can take a bit for our mind to more readily accept the positive thoughts and beliefs we are trying to make our default mode. I am a huge fan of writing things down..very powerful. You seem to be very upbeat about your search for a job and I know that it will all work out for you.
It wasn’t much of a storm and I kind of knew it from the radar, but it is better to be safe than sorry and there were fewer accidents for sure than there would have been had people been out and about.
You guys make the loveliest couple! I love the pics on the right column.
Ah, we need to try not hating ourselves so much. It is hard when we mess up. Still, we need to do that. Will life become better when we stop that and treat ourselves better? I wonder.
Hi K
Glad you like the pictures…I put them there to inspire people and let them know they too can create whatever it is they want to create. You are right about us needing to show ourselves a bit more love and compassion. We are our own worst critics for sure. Life will certainly become better. The more we regard ourselves with love and respect, the less we will experience things that reflect the lack of love we have for ourselves. When we take care of ourselves..mind, body and spirit, that sends a message that we are worthy and worth it, and that will allow all sorts of wonderful things to flow into our experience.
What is your take on the changed weather patterns? I mean, January in the northeast used to have some lovely weather in it, going back to the Greek myth of Alcyone who needed to give birth in the dead of winter and the gods gave her a break so they made the weather good for a few days (halcyon days). Now we are in a deep freeze every year called the polar vortex, and it is great that you seek the tropics where I hope you continue blogging. There is supposed to be an ice age now, do you think that is what it is?
I never knew about that Greek myth..very interesting. I imagine that the earth probably does go through phases with the overall climate…to think how long it has existed is kind of mind boggling. And I do believe us humans have screwed things up a bit, but I don’t think we are as doomed as some believe.
Hii Kelly,,
Nice post, think positively is good tip to get refresh. Thanks for sharing.
Practice Feeling and Think Positively is really helpfull..
Hi Kathula
Thank you so much for your comment. So glad you liked it. That practice will do wonders..we just need to get more used to that train of thought and it will come more naturally over time.
Hey Mrs. Biddulph:
Hope your flight was smooth. I listened to your call on Monday evening (I’m in Altamont, NY – just outside of Albany, NY – and the storm kinda missed us. Yay!). Since I had to call in, I couldn’t ask questions, but you really addressed a lot during the call, and this post and your responses answered all my questions. As far as the call seminar, the message that really struck a chord with me was creating the feelings that correspond with what I intend/desire. I’ve been working on that since Monday. Actually, it’s been a bit fun determining what corresponds to making me feel free, secure, cozy, luxurious, etc.
Thank you for the gift of the call and for your generosity of spirit and time.
My apologies about that…I just realized I must have forgotten to give the unmute instructions for people who called in so they could ask a question if they wanted. If there was anything you would have wanted to ask, feel free to email me the questions and I will be happy to answer them.
It is fun isn’t it? Obviously we want certain things because we believe they will enrich our experience, but ultimately we are after feelings, and it is pretty great that we can find a way to feel them now even if our ‘stuff’ isn’t here yet. And, there is that added bonus of these states helping us receive what we want even faster and with greater ease. Money can be a challenge for sure since we have so much charge around it, and it can be hard to view our current circumstances differently, but it’s all perspective and we get to choose. I am glad you are finding benefit in that tip because it is one of the best ways to align with more financial abundance.
You are very welcome, and I am so glad you enjoyed it!
Hey Kelli,
I totally get when you’re experiencing one thing but your brain isn’t quite there yet. I can’t imagine though being in just horrible surroundings or circumstances and then having to fight to be positive. For me it’s been rather easy although life hasn’t always worked out the way I had hoped.
I do the gratitude list every single day so it helps me start my day on a positive note. When you’re thankful to just be here and have what you do and the people in your life, I mean how can you not be thankful for that. Knowing that there’s more to life and more yet to come, that should help people stay on a positive path but your tips here and explanations are extremely helpful.
Your posts are always so helpful and I’m sorry I missed your call last Monday. That’s what I get for being so far behind with everything this month. My painting job has really messed up my schedule. It will all be behind me soon though.
Enjoy your weekend and thanks again for your awesome advice.
Hey Adrienne
Thanks so much for stopping by. You are right..depending on how far away we may seem from what we want, shifting our feelings and beliefs on a more consistent basis can be more of a challenge. It is all about just working our way up the ladder incrementally. Trying to go from misery to unbridled joy will be very difficult, and isn’t necessary. That is something I always like to remind people of so they don’t feel so bad about feeling badly.
I love what you said about having a positive expectation that more good is to come…that is really powerful. We tend to look at the future and unknown with a lot of fear and our mind usually goes to all the things we are afraid will happen or the worst case scenarios.
No worries about the call..you are a busy woman! I have thought of another one I would like to do, and would like to keep offering them, but will have to wait and see how the connection is in Bali before I schedule any more. I think it should be decent enough to do a simple webinar.
So glad you enjoy the blog so much..that means a lot from someone like yourself who engages with quite a number of them.
Hey Kelli,
I’ve been totally trying to focus only on positive things. If something “bad” happens, I just thank God and say thank you for this learning experience and I think positive thoughts.
One of my favorite ones from Louise Hay about finances is “Money prospers every corner I turn.” That way, there’s no limitation on it; whether monetary or timely.
I also start my mornings with a devotional reading and a gratitude statement. I write down what I’m grateful for, date it, fold it up and put it in a gratitude jar. I started doing this 1/1/14 and did it just about every single day last year.
My husband did the same thing and on New Years day this year, we swapped jars and read what we had been grateful for all year. It was a really good way to start the new year. We’ve decided to make this our tradition.
Thank you for all your awesome tips. I hope you have a great week. Lisa
Hi Lisa
I love that affirmation..when we can find ones that are brain won’t fight us on, it is a really great tool to recondition our minds. I love that exercise and I am very impressed you were so consistent with it..and I imagine that made all the difference in the world. It is easy to try a million different things, each for a day and not ever develop any sort of benefit. So glad you enjoyed the post.
Hi Kelli,
This is me. I definitely got into things LOA has some things started clicking for me. I love this idea that our thoughts, feelings and beliefs can help mold our reality. Many things have solidifed recently and it gives me strength.
My question though is this: Practice Feeling and Thinking Positively. How do you continue to do this when so many people around you are negative. I have 12 year old granddaughter living with me and I have never experienced such negativity in my life (even with my own kids). Her energy is ….I can’t even think of the right word to say.
Anyway, how do you handle this type of situation even when other things around me are working well.
Hey Barbara
Your dilemma is a common one so don’t feel badly if you are finding this element challenging. We are so used to living reactively, and having our feelings and moods determined by people and other outside influences, totally just releasing all of that can seem like quite a task. The first thing I would say which will help the most is taking ownership of our own feelings..however we are reacting is always about us, and not the other person. Easier said than done, but when we remember this and try to do it as much as we can–we won’t always succeed and that’s to be expected–we really start to take control of our experience. As you keep doing whatever it is you are doing that is working for you, how other people are won’t bother us as much.
Also, you will find that as your energy changes, your relationships with other people will change, even if they are basically the same person. We can line up with different ‘versions’ of them. For example, being more likely to encounter someone when they are in a good mood rather than a bad one. There is a lot of momentum behind the negative thoughts and ways of being, and that part of us is simply being triggered with these types of encounters.
Also, at some point, there may be some people with whom you will want to limit your time because they are just really dragging you down energetically. Probably can’t do that with your granddaughter, so the other tips will be more useful in that situation!
I go back and forth with the laws of attraction. I’m a big believer and when I can get my mind focused properly I see amazing things happen. Unfortunately, I’m not always in control of my thoughts, to the point where I know I’m concentrating on the negative things and it takes over my entire existence, to the point where I can’t push forward.
Luckily, I’m not in that state 24/7, which means I do get things done… eventually. And I’ve had so many good things happen when I need them; I just need to work harder on keeping my mind where I want it to be.
Hey Mitch
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I think everyone has that back and forth, and has their periods where they are really deliberately focusing on LOA or other personal development ‘work’ and other times where it kind of gets away from them. From when I first read about it until now, there were many times where I wasn’t paying it as much mind. It seems like you are pretty self-aware and realize what is going on internally, and that is half the battle right there! For me, what helps is realizing certain thoughts will pop in but I just work on not giving them any more energy, and that seems to help.