So, nothing is really coming to mind for my usual blog- post -within- itself intro, so instead of forcing it (which we know is oh-so-bad from an attraction perspective), I’ll just jump right into the heart of the matter. Enjoy!
Don’t Keep Moving Towards the Pain
From an LOA-perspective, doing things that make us feel badly in hopes that it will somehow provide a positive benefit in the end is ludicrous. But, we do it all the time. At some point, we decided to take a tremendous amount of pride in leading really hectic, stressed lives, devoid of any sort of joy. We see being able to handle a boatload of crap as a sign of strength, and so long as we are still at a point where we haven’t totally collapsed emotionally and/or physically, we keep trudging along, refusing to back away from it.
We suffer and suffer, hoping God, the Universe, Source or whatever you call it, will see how hard we are trying, and how good a person we are, and throw us a bone eventually. We think we are deserving of something good, and anticipate its arrival eventually—the more we suffer the better the reward right? Right????But, in my experience, it doesn’t work that way. This force is neutral, and can only bring to us what mirrors our internal world. It doesn’t judge, decide or do anything else that falls under the realm of ‘human’ action.
We have been taught it takes lots of suffering, and hard work, to get any real results in life. We must do a bunch of stuff we don’t want to be able to do at least some of the things we do, and get some of the things we want. We hear countless people tell of how much suffering they had to undergo before they got to taste that sweet, sweet success.
You have to strive and toil, compromise, and fail over and over. Sure, this is one way to go about it, but it doesn’t have to be like this. Yeah, there is work that will be done, and actions taken, but when you shore up things on the energy front, there is a lot less of it, and it feels good. Lots of things will come together without you having taken any direct action to get that result. You will feel inspired to do certain things, and lots of good will come of it.
Now, as awesome as that course of action sounds, it seems too good to be true, and we don’t have enough examples of that way of being to draw on, either in our own experience, or that of someone else, to trust it fully. But, the hard work paradigm has proof abound, and as much as that way sucks, we think we will at least be guaranteed something eventually, so better stick to this path just in case.
But, this is not how life has to be. You don’t have to do things that feel badly. You don’t want to keep going until the pain gets so great, you can’t take another second, leaving you with no other option but to change. It doesn’t have to get to that extreme a point. If you are in pain now, no matter how much you can ‘handle it,’ it is too much—life is supposed to be joyful and fun. Re-evaluate and see what you can do now to shift course.
If you are killing yourself trying to get results, just stop and ask yourself for one second…’’What if there were an easier way?’’ ‘’What if success can come effortlessly and in a way that feels good?’’ This simple act of asking a different question can get the wheels in your mind, and your energy, turning in a whole different direction. Be willing to accept another way, an easier, less painful way, exists, even if you can’t see it yet.
Remember Bigger Negative Manifestations Don’t Come Out of Nowhere…
How many times has a really big unwanted event happened, and you felt blindsided by it? We insist everything was going fine, and there were no indicators this shit storm was brewing in the distance.
This is the kind of crap that really shakes up our world and sours us on life. It makes us view the future and unknown with a strong sense of fear–who knows what else is in store for us? You just never know how life is gonna mess with you next.
But, if you believe in law of attraction, you know nothing just happens out of nowhere for no reason—it is all a mirror. We may not always be able to pinpoint exactly why we may have manifested something on first thought, as some manifestations can be quite complex. But there was something going on without a doubt. And just in case anyone reading this needs this little reminder, manifesting negative situations is not about being punished. You didn’t get what you ‘deserved’ and you shouldn’t blame yourself. The law of attraction is just a neutral process—input, output.
The thing about these types of manifestations is a lot was going on leading up to it. We were denying how much certain things bothered us, and we were doing a lot of glossing over. We pretended to be fine with things we weren’t fine with. Certain experiences niggled at us, but we rationalized rather than explore, because the conclusions we may have reached were ones we were not ready to handle.
These negative experiences were signs we were on the wrong track in a particular area of our life, but because we didn’t pay them mind then, and do the necessary ‘work’, whether it be shifting a belief, taking particular action,etc…the energy just continued to gain steam, and eventually, something really big happens to jolt you and allow you to see things as they really are.
When you see there was some rhyme and reason to what happened, it makes you feel more in control. You can examine what may have contributed, and take an active role in shaping your experience from this point on. Things may kind of suck right now, but you know they don’t have to keep sucking. These big shake ups are tremendous opportunities to really work on creating something great, and stepping into the life you really want to live, and the person you really want to be.
Don’t Freak Out about Unwanted Manifestations—It is ALL There to Serve You
With very few exceptions, the average person is going to have a mixed bag when it comes to her vibration. There is some good stuff in there that has been serving you pretty well, and has probably led you to manifest all sorts of good long before you had any idea about any of this attraction stuff. And, you probably have some stuff that needs to be cleaned up a bit, or perhaps a lot.
You have set some intentions to get more money, a relationship, a better job or whatever, and you are probably not quite a match to it. You are working on shifting beliefs that you have been buying into for years and years—that is not an immediate process. There may be some glossing over and denial going on as discussed above.
Once you start working consciously with law of attraction, and deliberately creating your reality, it is really easy to get freaked out about unwanted manifestations. We have a much greater sensitivity to, and reduced tolerance, for anything unpleasant. Try as we might to do otherwise, we are still generally attached to our desires, and have decided our manifestations must look a certain way.
So, when we experience things that we perceive as being ‘bad’, or things don’t go quite as we hoped they would, we get all discouraged and start worrying what we want is never coming. We take these events as ‘signs’ we are not mean to get what we want. This is also the point where we may feel like we haven’t been taking enough action, and we jump in and try to make shit happen, and this almost never works out well.
Like I have mentioned before in other LOA posts, we are always moving towards what we want (so long as we adopt that belief mind you), but in order to get our vibration in line, and get clear on our desires, we need some sort of feedback. These ‘unwanted’ manifestations are just that, and help us see where we stand vibrationally in the moment. They often help us fine tune our vision– think about how many times you have gotten clearer on what you want by experiencing something you don’t.
Without these events, we would have no idea if we are lining up or not. Without this sense of contrast, we would have a harder time getting crystal clear on our wants. Another thing to keep in mind is when things don’t work out as they should, it usually means it wasn’t the best representation of your desire, and you are meant to line up with something more ideal. Sometimes, something that appears negative is actually positive, and is the quickest path to realizing your desire.
Also, when you first start doing this work, and deliberately shift focus and build momentum behind the positive energy, the negative stuff can rise to the surface to be released, and these unwanted manifestations represent that ‘purge.’
You want to examine how unwanted situations made you feel, because we attract situations that reflect the beliefs and feelings that are currently predominant in our vibration. That will clue you in to what is happening inside, and what may have contributed to this manifestation.
You may also make the interesting discovery that you may not have actually wanted something you thought you did, and when we truly don’t want something, we aren’t a match to it, and it won’t come in. For example, if you are interviewing for a certain type of job because you feel it is the next ‘logical step’ in your career trajectory, and it is what you ‘should’ be doing by now, but it is not actually what you truly want, you will probably find yourself getting passed over.
And, if you make the discovery you may not really want something you claim to want, don’t ignore that! Figure out what you do truly want, and start shoring up the energy behind that. You never have to settle; there is no such thing as ‘should.’
Bottom line—anything unwanted is just part of the path to manifesting what IS wanted. You may get upset, have your moments, and what have you, and it’s cool. You’re only human. But, remember this isn’t the end of the road, and provided you have been focusing positively and working on your vibration, that positive momentum is building, and this is here to help you release the yuck that is dragging down your energy.
Consider How You’re Being Served by Your Current Situation, and the ‘Negatives’ Of Getting What You Want
Whatever our life is like now, every unwanted aspect of it is serving us in some way, or we would have made some sort of change by now. Consciously, we reject this idea—why the hell would we prefer being broke, single, unhappy in our job? That is utter nonsense. But, this is exactly what is happening or else we wouldn’t keep torturing ourselves. We are benefiting somehow, we are protecting ourselves from something.
For example, being overweight often protects people from having to deal with a fear and belief they are not good enough. So long as the weight is there, that can be blamed for their lack of success, not being able to find a good relationship, or whatever else they are unhappy about. And as long as that belief persists, so will the weight and the struggle to lose it. Once they get to the root, those pounds will begin to melt away. They will receive inspiration to follow certain diets, take certain supplements, try a certain type of exercise,etc..and it will be wildly successful for them. Losing the weight will not feel as hard.
So, carefully consider how you may be benefiting from your current situation—I assure you there is some benefit, some way you are being protected. It might take a bit of digging, but you will uncover this ‘saboteur’, and once you do, you now have something to work with. Then you can begin shifting that energy, and start seeing changes quite quickly.
You also want to examine any ‘negatives’ that may come with getting what you are claiming to want. Regardless of the exact reason, at the root is a fear of some kind, and fear is an extremely powerful blocker of manifestations. It is really hard to let something in if there is a relatively strong belief getting it would be bad somehow.
So, think about the things you want, and ask yourself whether you think getting this thing would be problematic for you in some way. Let your mind go on this, and don’t censor. It might be a good idea to actually write down what comes up so you have something concrete to examine.
Are you afraid how your blue collar family would view you if you became very successful financially? Would you be worried they would always come to you for money? If you fully move into your awesomeness, do you think you will evolve past all your friends, or you would no longer be a match to your partner, leaving you alone?
Are you afraid of the responsibility that would come with that more prestigious job, or running your own business? Do you fear the increased risk of criticism you may face as more people become familiar with your work? Are you scared that husband and kids you want so much would interfere with your career ambitions, or are you afraid your career ambitions would cause problems in your family life?
Remember LOA is not about just thinking happy thoughts and ignoring all the yuck—if the yuck is really powerful, it needs to be dealt with directly. It just won’t go away. I think a lot of people develop a fear of acknowledging blocks, and bad feelings ,when they start working with attraction consciously, because of all the emphasis on thinking positively and feeling good. And yes, that is where we want to be as much as we can, but getting into that space genuinely often entails some deliberate effort at clearing out what is dragging us down. So, don’t be afraid to do this work—it won’t slow your efforts, it will strengthen them.
In Closing…
Law of attraction is not inherently difficult, but we have a lot of ‘stuff’ happening inside of us that needs to be acknowledged, and worked on, to fully tap into the ease of the process. That is why it seems so hard. And, like I always love to say when talking about LOA or any sort of personal development work, is that it’s okay if you are struggling a bit.Don’t beat yourself up for not feeling like this is as easy as everyone tells you it is. Be patient.
The powerful creator within is buried underneath an avalanche of crap that has been existing for years and years. It can take a bit to trust the process fully. There are fears and beliefs that need to be addressed. We have to be willing to take full responsibility for our life and our results, and that doesn’t always come easy.
You don’t have to be a master to start seeing positive changes, and things can start getting better almost immediately–as long you start feeling better, things will get better. As your vibration raises, more good will come into your life, and as this begins to happen, attraction will become easier. You’ll set your sights on bigger manifestations, and they won’t feel like such a stretch because you’ll have more trust and faith. You won’t have to pay as much attention to the ‘yuck’ because it will become less powerful, and simply feeling good will naturally cause all the negative to weaken.
Just keep working on feeling good in any way you can; don’t be afraid to face what is blocking you–you are much stronger than you think, and you can handle it. Keep feeding your mind information about LOA that makes you feel good and helps you understand it better. You have so much power, and as you keep up your efforts, you will access more and more of it.
Your Turn…
What did you think of this post? Did you see any of your own experience in what I wrote? What part did you find the most helpful? What tips would you give others to help them when they are feeling a bit stuck or overwhelmed by their challenges? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts so we can have a chat.
Hi KC,
I always figured that my biggest nightmares were my biggest catalysts too. Smart points all around! Why? Because crazy negative manifestations both give us contrast and also alert us to what needs to change. For years I ignored my debts. After beginning to pay off my debts I felt such an amazing shift in energy.
The dingbatish thing to do was ignore it; I did, and not only played the role of dingbat to the level of getting an Academy Award, I received all the nice trimmings that come with being foolish, including some tough money times. Dealing with my silly ignorant/aversion activities freed me. I dealt with the problems, and instantly, I got unstuck because I finally did what needed to be done to clean up my vibe and to align with what I was really wanting.
KC, you should write a book on this stuff. Just saying 😉
Thanks much, and watch out for that Atlas moth!
Hi Ryan
Thanks for sharing your comment. I think a lot of people can relate to your experience of ignoring things, hoping they will just go away. It is fascinating what we convince ourselves of just to provide a little relief! Like you said, when we begin to see what is happening, take the appropriate actions, things make a big shift energetically, aligning us with a whole different, and much preferred reality.
Wow, Kelli … perfectly timed post for me. Things have been going up and down as far as my vibration, and I have been feeling really discouraged. I have been manifesting things I don’t want that appear to come from out of the blue – things I didn’t even know I had thoughts or feelings about. I do try to incorporate what I’ve learned from your blog for those times when I feel bad, but this particular post was so practical, and precisely addressed how and why I’m feeling the way I feel.
Infinite gratitude (something to feel great about!) to you – this has really, truly helped. Relieved to know all is not lost … just have to focus and reset my direction!
Thank you so much, I am so glad you found it helpful and it really contained information that was applicable to your life. The more we examine ourselves, and the more we learn about LOA, the easier it becomes to analyze what is happening with us. And, from there we can make so many great changes because we know what to work on specifically, or why something was happening and what to do to shift gears. Nothing is ever lost! I know how you feel though…this work can be challenging at times.
One of the things I want is a lot of money. Not just enough to quit my job, but enough to do whatever I want whenever I want and enough money to help a lot of people in need. I noticed one of my fears revolved around family members asking for money. Now some family members I would lovingly give whatever they needed because they have always been there for me. But I also have some “shady” family members as well and I’m not too keen on giving them a lot of money. At first I blocked these thoughts out because they felt bad, but they kept popping up over and over, so I decided to explore it.
I realized that I didn’t want to feel like I was being taken advantage of, so I started telling myself that I was self-confident and intelligent enough to sense when someone is taking advantage of me. Funny enough, I have gotten a few minor chances to prove that I won’t let anyone take advantage of me and I feel a lot better about having more money – I still need to do some more work though.
I have some family members whom I have cut out of my life completely for various reasons and I’m trying to learn to trust that the Universe will not suddenly bring these people back into my reality if they are not a match to me. If I project that I will not be taken advantage of, then the people who would try to do that to me will not show up in my reality OR I will be able to sense them from a mile away and I’ll know to have my guard up. I’m thinking it all boils down to further strengthening my trust in the process.
Either way, I’ve learned to tone down this fear quite a bit and this has also helped me to realize that I can’t ignore something that pops up over and over again. Those feelings pop up to show us that there is still more to do before we get to where we want to go. Thoughts are manifestations too and we shouldn’t ignore them anymore than we would ignore a big, nasty physical manifestation. In fact, if we learn to catch it at the thought, maybe we could avoid A LOT of those big, nasty manifestations.
Hey Summer
Thank you for sharing this..I really enjoyed reading it. It is a perfect example of how we may hold deeper fears that getting what we want would actually give us a whole bunch of stuff we don’t, and I think anyone reading this will get a lot of insights. The fact it was about money made it even more interesting to me because money is a manifestation we can struggle with a lot more compared to other things, and it is because we have so much ‘stuff’ around it.
Like you said, when something keeps popping up, we need to take a look at it because that means it is something strong. Redirecting our attention and just feeling good can do wonders for cleaning up our vibration, but sometimes that just isn’t enough. Isn’t it fascinating what pops up when we really take a look? That particular fear of being taken advantage of would probably be quite ‘heavy’ in a vibration, and it was good you did work to specifically shift it.
I like what you said about it boiling down to gaining more trust in the process…that is a sticking point for most of us. Even the most masterful manifestor probably has moments like..really, this is all there is to it? This is all I have to do to get awesome stuff?
I am glad you mentioned setting that intention, then experiencing situations that gave you the opportunity to make that decision you would not be taken advantage of. I have found that to happen with me as well. I suppose that to actually make changes and new decisions, we need to experience things that will give us some practice being this new way. Knowing how our energy creates our experience, you make an excellent point about how you shouldn’t ignore those persistent negative ones any more than a physical problem.
Thanks again for sharing this, and giving us a peek into your manifesting journey!
Thanks again, Kelli, for getting me thinking and I bookmarked this so I could ponder it again. Very timely for me. I do know that all of our challenges are our teachers but I needed to hear it again and I am looking for that saboteur, the little bugger! ha ha. As I am in the process of massive manifestation and feeling like I’m hacking through a deep jungle with a machete, and yet I know things are *moving*. Thanks for the encouragement and insight!
Hi Jennifer
Thanks so much, I am so glad you liked it, and want to revisit for further reading! We all need that reminder sometimes I think as we could happily do without those challenges! I love that analogy, and I think that can be a great way to describe how we feel when something bigger is happening. Good luck with whatever is happening, and remember that no matter what, you are moving towards whatever it is you want, even if it doesn’t feel that way sometimes!
Can you write one of these great ‘how to get unstuck’ posts specifically for writing? 😉
I actually feel like I just got unstuck in a very good life way. I made it over a MAJOR hurdle this month by asking for what I felt I deserved and not undervaluing my work.
That has been a particular saboteur that I recently discovered during my meditations. The mindset of “this is something I enjoy doing so much that it’s not right to get paid for it.”
I realized I was still limiting myself with the belief that ‘work’ should sort of be miserable.
Once I recognized that, and shifted my mindset to focus on the value I was providing with my services, I was able to finally earn as much in 1 month from freelancing as I did at my corporate job.
And this is just the beginning. Understanding that ‘work’ doesn’t have to – and shouldn’t be! – painful is going to allow me to keep right on growing and earning more than I ever did before.
Great post, Kelli! Have a fabulous week. 🙂
Hey Mandie
I have been there with the writing thing, so I know how that feels. I have found a couple of things to be helpful. The first is to not try and force myself to sit down and write at any specific time–I know that works for some people, but not for me. Even if I am the one telling myself what to do, I feel a lot of resistance to it! When I tell myself that I will think of something to write, and I will get it done in time, things usually come together quite nicely.
If you are feeling stuck for ideas specifically, I have found asking myself to come up with a blog post idea upon waking up from a nap or going to bed at night works a lot-not every time, but often.
That is a fascinating insight because I think that is a block for a lot of us. Sure, there are lots of people who truly love their work, but we consider them to be in a very small minority, and it is just kind of drilled into us that work is supposed to be something you do to get paid. You are supposed to complain about everything, hate your boss, blah, blah, blah. It is easy for us to think”who am I to get to love what I do and have a nice easy life..I’m not special.”
To achieve that result, you must have made a really big shift..that is awesome. It can be uncomfortable to start moving into our power and adopting that more positive mindset–as awesome as it is, and as much proof we continue to get there is something to this, we still don’t quite trust it. It is pretty interesting how our mind works sometimes, huh?
Thanks for sharing your experience..I think that will inspire a lot of people. Happy manifesting!
Hello Kelly,
This post really hit home. Especially, when you said we can repel the things that we really want because of fear. Also, when you said that when we think we want something but we really don’t. I have experienced both of these things. I have been working on just feeling good like you said to do. I used to tell myself that even if I couldn’t do anything about certain things the least thing I could do was worry. I have been doing my best to change this mindset. It has been challenging but I am so determined. I would always feel bad as a result of this mindset and a lot of things would not work out for me. I now know it was because of this mindset and the feelings behind it. I have been feeling much better these days! Thanks for sharing this with us! I really love reading your blog posts because they are extremely well written and helpful.
Hi Maketta
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, and I am so glad you liked the post and found it helpful. That fear is really a big thing for a lot of us, and it is not always obvious that we have some sort of fear tied to actually getting what we want. It is not always an issue, but it is always a good idea to examine that possibility if we feel we are lacking something we want, and are struggling to attract it. It is great you are making a conscious effort to work on your mindset, and you are becoming more aware of your thought patterns and beliefs–that is the first step and a really important one. We can’t change until we become aware of what is problematic for us, so having done that, you are way ahead of the curve already! When we start making correlations between our experience and the beliefs and feelings we have been holding, we see that is wasn’t random or something that ‘just happened.’ That idea we can control it is incredibly empowering. Just keep at it, and remember to celebrate all victories and manifestations, no matter how small they may seem, because they are important, and are showing you that you are making progress.
Hi Kelli,
This is so timely in my situation right now. I agree with you especially when you said ” It might take a bit of digging, but you will uncover this ‘saboteur’, and once you do, you now have something to work with. Then you can begin shifting that energy, and start seeing changes quite quickly.”
I dig by asking myself “What stops me from fully experiencing enthusiasm, joy, and significance in my life? What stops me from living with Full Wattage?
I have found the three biggest saboteurs that keep me from living with Full Wattage are:
Saboteur #1 – My beliefs – these are the things that really influenced me growing up. If I stick to some of it, it will really pull me down.
Saboteur #2 – Thinking that I must have complete clarity before I act. Sometimes I become attached to focusing on confusion as an excuse not to take that next step.
Saboteur #3 – Focusing on the negative. It’s amazing how much time I spend worrying about things that have not happened yet, and that probably won’t ever happen.
So, facing our fears must not be a culprit – it should be an inspiration to take that next step and move on.
Thanks Kelli!
Hi Patricia
I am so glad you liked the post, and found it helpful for what you are currently doing in your attraction ‘work.’ Asking ourselves questions is an excellent way to tune into what is happening with us. Your first blocker is a common one so you are definitely not alone in that. Just do your best to remember that everything you took in from everyone else is nothing more than an opinion, and all that ‘stuff’ is just keeping you from who you really are, which is a powerful creator. The second one is common as well–while we do want to align energetically and feel good about a course of action before we take it, you are right, we don’t need to have that total clarity. We are human after all, and it is natural to feel a little doubtful or fearful when we start going after something we want, but if we just put some trust in the process and take those initial steps, the rest of the path will be revealed to us, and we will keep moving towards what we want.
It sounds like you have made some great insights, and are moving along in a good direction. So, don’t forget to give yourself credit for all the good you do..we often forget that and are too hard on ourselves. Good luck with your manifesting and keep me posted!
Thank you Patricia! Looking forward to read more of your posts and learn a lot!