Podcast #237: The Most Important Ingredient in Manifestation and Inner Transformation

2 thoughts on “Podcast #237: The Most Important Ingredient in Manifestation and Inner Transformation

  1. We are programmed from what society considers to be good or bad. This is the problem. This creates shame. If things aren’t pointed out to us, usually things creating insecurities in others, then we wouldn’t feel shame. What I mean is, people project their insecurities onto us and we mistakenly digest them, as the brain does, thus making us feel bad. If this didn’t happen, we’d be fine. For spirit, everything is fine, as you mentioned. But I’d someone doesn’t feel good about their body in a learned in class and they ask you, who feel fine about it, if you’re not embarrassed, then it should end there. Heck, why do they even bring it up if you don’t? Or, you’re on a date and a brand new guy projects his insecurity onto you for not making out on the first date when you’re just getting to know him or may not even like his lack of manners, etc.

    I’m just bringing up scenarios of what I find happens. Even for jobs. You can’t go for this or that job, you are told, when it’s the other person’s lack of qualification for it. Or you’re told not to panic, when you’re the only calm person in the room when everyone is freaking out.

    I guess what I’m saying is people just react and talk and say things, when it’s all just babbling really, as they are expressing their feelings about something. It’s not meaningful, so don’t make it your own. Make your life your own. Embrace your experiences good and bad and keep going no matter what. No one has a right to tell you anything.

    1. Hi Kat
      So sorry for the delayed repsonse on this one… You are so right about a big source of that shame being societal programming. Those are really good examples of how others do this in a variety of ways. And yes, people do just talk a lot without saying anything meaningful and it is often just their own stuff. Great insights here!

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