5 Law of Attraction Lessons from My Landing a Four Month Housesit in Bali

So, yeah, as you can see from the title, my next adventure is a four month housesit in Bali, to commence the beginning of February–we can stay even longer if we want, but not sure yet. When reflecting back on this manifestation, I saw so many great law of attraction lessons, and I think using this concrete example to illustrate the different points is very helpful for grasping the various ‘nuances’ of the manifesting process and seeing how a particular manifestation came together. 

Anyway, we are super-excited because Bali is one of our favorite destinations in the whole world. And the assignment is in one of our favorite parts of the island. While I do my best to maintain equanimity in my life, and not let my emotions swing too high in either direction, I am super-excited, not going to lie. And, I’m not going to lie about the fact that most of the time, I am not great at maintaining said equanimity. So, who I am I kidding? I’m going to be excited damn it.

You Don’t Need to Always Think about What You Want to Get It

You hear a lot about visualizing about what you want and holding good thoughts around it. Don’t get me wrong…this is really helpful much of the time. Visualizing helps us discover any blocks we have, because as most of us know, attempting to picture our desire often brings up all sorts of gross feelings that ultimately amount to us not thinking this is actually possible.

Visualizing helps us shape our desire, and come up with scenarios that feel good, and we can get behind emotionally. When doing it feels good, visualizing is one of the best ways to build some positive momentum behind what we want, and strengthen the belief we can have it.

But, think about all the times you may have gotten something you said you wanted, but hadn’t given much thought to. Think of how many people consciously working with law of attraction relay this same experience. If all this focus was an absolute requirement for manifestation, these things couldn’t have happened.

As for this housesit, we had mentioned a few times in passing how it would be cool to get one in Bali because we love it so much there. There were no strong intentions set, no picturing myself seeing an ad, talking to an owner, or living in Bali. No affirmations, vision boards, or other tools employed to make it happen.

Now, I get that this total detachment may not be as easy for things that are really important to us, like finding a husband or making our fledgling business a success. We really want these things, we feel we absolutely need these things. They are just not casual desires that would be nice. Because we have so much ‘charge’ around certain desires, and lots of beliefs that may be blocking them, we usually have to do some work to shift our energy, and this naturally is going to make us think about these things.

That’s okay But, just know that you don’t have to think about it as much as you probably are now. The thinking isn’t what is creating it, it is the feeling and belief. The Universe knows what you want, your higher self knows what you want. The order has been placed.

As a fun experiment, write down a list of things you would like to manifest, but are not a super-big deal, that are not central to your happiness. I’ll bet you many of these things will come to fruition. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but at some point.

 Follow Your Intuition

There were a couple of different things that happened during this process that demonstrate the importance of following your intuition. As someone obsessed with traveling, I am usually thinking about my next destination before I have barely settled into my current one. I’ll admit that one of my big challenges is fully enjoying the moment. There is just so much fun in planning stuff, and having something to look forward to. If you have this tendency as well, I would suggest working on it like I am…it can be a major happiness saboteur.

I am currently in the US and we knew several months back that we would be coming here during this time period. Naturally, we were discussing what we would do next, and decided to explore a different part of the world. I really liked Central America, and Ryan had never been except CR, so we decided on Mexico and there. We speak pretty good Spanish and it would have been a nice, short flight.

Normally, I would have jumped right on setting all that up as soon as it was decided, but for some reason, I hesitated in booking anything, it just didn’t feel like something I had to do right then. I did my normal research, getting my usual ‘high’ from looking at flights and perusing rentals on AirBNB, but didn’t do my usual pouncing. And this was in spite of having decided for sure we would take this trip. There was nowhere else we were thinking about going, and we knew for sure we weren’t going to come back to Asia.

Second intuition experience was actually coming upon the listing for the assignment. The site it was listed on allows you to sign up for country specific notifications, so I never check the general listings where you can find every available assignment that is currently open. You can also make a calendar showing your availability, and if the dates of the assignment were in the time frame when you weren’t free, you would not receive the notification. Because I knew we would be in the US for the holidays, I put us as unavailable until the beginning of January.

Because the owner listed the assignment as starting in the beginning of December, I did not receive a notification. But, one day, I felt a nudge to check the general listing page just to see what sorts of jobs were being posted, and there it was.

Even though we weren’t available for that time, I decided to email anyway just in case there was any flexibility with the start date. Well, turns out there was, and the dates we were looking to come were perfectly fine with her. There is currently staff, and a neighbor, keeping an eye on the pets and house, and it wasn’t imperative someone be there right at that time.

Start paying attention to any nudges you get to do certain things, or to not do certain things, as was the case for me in not booking that other trip. Do your best to keep logic out. The more you allow yourself to listen to your intuitive nudges, the ‘louder’ they will get and the more confident you will be in honoring your intuition, which is that part of you that is connected to ‘all that is.’ Deep, I know.

When You are Aligned with What You Want, Nothing Will Keep it From You

Since getting what we want is all about being aligned, believing we will get it, and said want, is a good representation of our desire, nothing outside of our own energy can ever affect the outcome. It is easy to think certain elements must be present, or certain things must happen for a situation to work out, but that is not how it really goes.

If you are really vibing high about your search for a new job, for example, a typo in your resume, or not having the exact desired experience, is not going to keep that perfect company from calling you; flubbing the interview a bit won’t really matter—they are going to think you are great and know you are the person they need to hire.

Housesitting is freaking awesome, and as such, there are oodles of people looking to do it, from location independent folk like Ryan and I, to those trying to to save for a house of their own.

So, the average assignment is going to attract a lot of interest. Only one applicant is going to get picked, maybe a few, if it is a longer term assignment.

I have applied to a handful of assignments, and in order to give a bit more pop to our inquiry, I always like to include links to our Facebook pages and blogs to show more of who we are and what we are like. In all my excitement about this potential gem, I realized I forgot to do this about a day after.

And I got a bit worried, thinking that I missed a chance to help us stand out a bit more, that some piece of information contained within these pages might have made us seem more appealing, and now we might miss out. Obviously that didn’t matter because they picked us. We were aligned, and there was nothing that would have stood in the way of that. And if we hadn’t gotten picked, it would have had nothing to do with my forgetting to add those links.

Which brings me to my next point—there is no such thing as competition, only unlimited abundance of all kinds, and the ability to create what we want. Many people lament their inability to find a housesit because of the competition.

While we certainly have not been offered every assignment we have applied for, I would say landing long-term assignments in Fiji and Bali shows we are aligned quite nicely. The owner of this house said that within three hours of posting, 25 people had emailed her, and many more over the next couple of days. I remember the owners of of the Fiji house said that over 40 people contacted them. These people liked us best..don’t know why, who we were up against or whatever else was factored in, but ultimately it doesn’t matter.

Pursue the Opportunity But Don’t Get Attached

Not getting attached to opportunities that present themselves is super-important but also super hard at times, no? We are doing this whole attraction work to change our day to day reality. When something pops up that promises to do just that, being as cool as a cucumber, regardless of the outcome, can be quite the challenge. We want this thing, we want it so, so bad. The reason that getting attached is so problematic, however, is because it demonstrates a belief this might be our only shot, and another opportunity may not come along again. This thing is just what we want, and no way something similar or even better could materialize.

When I saw this assignment, I won’t lie, I got pretty excited. This was the exact situation I had always said would be great, and to see it pop up, especially when it was something that I had not given any thought to, was really cool. This whole making a statement in passing, and then just letting it go, without any sort of attachment or thinking about it, is really the best way to go about getting stuff in my opinion.

But, I did my best to rein myself in. I sent my email and worked on cultivating a sense of detachment. She got back to us within a couple of days and did an interview. It went very well. It sounded good for us, but more people to be interviewed, and she would get back in touch. More time passed than I had thought, and I was getting a bit antsy. I kind of needed to know whether this was going to happen so I could proceed with other plans if not. But, I kept my cool, and eventually she got back in touch. Lots of stuff going on with her, and that is why she hadn’t emailed sooner.

So, it worked out, but if it didn’t, that would have been okay too, which brings me to my next point…..

When One Thing Doesn’t Work Out, It Usually Means Something Else is in the Works

Because we were planning on going to Mexico and Central America, I was very keen to land some house sits in this part of the world. A few showed up for Mexico, but with the exception of one, I never heard back from the homeowner. We were set to take the one we were offered, but the couple decided to change their travel plans and didn’t know when they would actually take their trip. A bit disappointed, but ultimately, I knew it happened for a reason.

The reason was because Bali was lining up for us. This was the same reason that even though we decided to do this other trip, and were super-excited about it, something was holding me back from booking houses and plane tickets.

Now, I know that some of you are probably thinking about the times when we attract things that don’t quite work out because it is there to show us blocks, strengthen our sense of contrast to help us figure out what we want, or give us some sort of clarity about the situation. All of this does not seem to be indicative of something else lining up in the way I am talking about it now, and you may be right about that.

But, remember we are always moving towards what we want, and everything that happens is always serving that end. So regardless of why something ‘unwanted’ may have happened, it will never keep you from your desired manifestation; it is irrelevant, as far as ultimately letting this this thing in, is concerned. It is never meant as some sort of message from the Universe that you can’t have it, so you best be setting your sights on something else.

So, when something doesn’t work out, it’s all good. This isn’t the end all be all. What you want is not off the table. Things can always go your way, you just need to cultivate some more trust and not get too attached to any one thing.

In Closing…

I hope you enjoyed the post. I know it was heavy on relating my experience, and not as much on the ‘theory,’ but I thought it would help see a concrete example of the various aspects of attraction, the stuff that is ‘between the lines’ of ask and it is given, and these other simplistic statements about how LOA works. It really is that simple, but as we all know, in practice, we can struggle a bit.

Your Turn…

What did you think of the post? Did my experience help clarify these five lessons contained within this manifestation? Did you read anything that really clicked with you in terms of things you are looking to manifest right now? Do you have any examples of these lessons to share? Looking forward to hearing from you so we can have a nice chat!

5 Law of Attraction Lessons from My Landing a Four Month Housesit in Bali

21 thoughts on “5 Law of Attraction Lessons from My Landing a Four Month Housesit in Bali

  1. Hi Kelly,

    How cool is that? It looks like I’m one of the first here.

    I’m sorry my blog gave you some problem commenting there, but I appreciate you coming 🙂

    I totally agree with what you’re discussing here.

    First off, indeed, we don’t have to visualize everything that we do attract, because we attract based on our vibrations, that’s why we may attract something we have not visualize or even want, but somehow we’ve sent the negative vibrations out there.

    As your experience is showing here, if you’re not meant to do something, it simply won’t happen, and if you meant to do it, the Universe will make sure it does.

    Indeed, if you meant to get that job, a typo in your resume won’t prevent you from getting it, and if you not meant to get it, well, something will happen out of thin air to prevent you from getting it.

    Yes, if we know how to align ourselves with our deepest desires we always attract what we want.

    By the way, reading this also made me wonder if house sitting also exist in Italy, since I’m going to go there very soon. If you could refer me a site I could go too, I would love that.

    Thank you for this great share and have a wonderful New Year in Bali!

    1. Hey Sylviane
      No worries..I just wanted to let you know in case it was something that had been happening to other people and wasn’t just me. That we do attract negative things that we haven’t thought about perfectly illustrates that point, and I bet is not something most people think about. I agree that if something is not meant to be, it just won’t come together. On one hand, manifesting is a simple process but on the other, so complex in all the orchestrations that come into play to have everything work out how it does. Kind of mind-boggling.

      I frequently see houesits for Italy..I would say that is in the top three European countries I see, along with France and Spain. I currently belong to three sites: Trustedhousesitters.com, housecarers.com and mindmyhouse.com. Definitely check them out. There may be ones specific for Europe, not sure. Perhaps you want to look into that as well.

      THanks so much for your comment and I hope your 2015 is off to a great start!

  2. Kelli,
    Your career sounds amazing. Congratulations and good for you. I have to say, I’ve really been focusing on law of attraction for a couple years now. I really had to learn to listen to the nudges and not get upset when things weren’t going my way.

    As you said, everything happens for a reason. If an opportunity didn’t arise, it was because I had another one facing me. It’s funny how much more at peace I am now just going with the flow.

    Have a great time in Bali. Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa
      Thanks for stopping by. You are certainly not alone in having to work on tuning into intuition..we are not exactly encouraged to follow it. And as for getting upset when things are not going our way…well, that’s pretty much everyone, except the most Buddha-like amongst us. I still have my preferences for certain outcomes, but as I get deeper in this work, it is greatly reduced and you will find this happening as well I am sure. Just always remember to be patient and compassionate–we can be really hard on ourselves when we really start doing this type of work. Isn’t it amazing what happens when we just surrender in that way?

  3. Hi Kelli.
    Now, aint this a blip! First I didn’t know you were Ryan’s SO. Just recently connected with him through blogging and comments. That’s awesome! Second, you just joined my Health & Life Blogging Community which I just started recently and I didn’t make the connection to Ryan. So glad to meet you! 🙂

    Third is the most amazing thing. This past week I picked up my CD’s on The Secret and have been listening to the first CD 4 times a day. I have an hour commute back and forth to work and I’ve decided to listen to each CD until it’s ingrained in my brain!

    The funny thing is I had a bad spell yesterday and I immediately started wondering does this really work and today I ready your article. Talk about the universe answering. 🙂

    In particular, you talk about intuition and I’ve had a couple of runs where my intuition has kicked in and I followed my gut and here I am. What I was unclear on and you have explained it so well is ‘how was I supposed to hold these thoughts and concentration on what I wanted’ all day when ‘life’ is still moving on at its own pace and your article answered my question. The universe will supply when you need.

    I can’t tell you how much this has helped me. Today I decided to listen to the 2nd CD and see what else is in store. But my life is changing, getting back with the spouse, looking at consolidating our households, new grandchildren and so many other things and I’ve been questioning how to ‘guide my life.’ And I was truly worried about the amount of concentration and effort required. It could be quite tiring. So the answer is ‘put it out there’ and let it be. I like that. What is for me is for me. Thank you for your post. Again, I say Awesome. It is just what I needed at this time. The Universe Rocks!

    Be blessed,

    1. Hi Barbara
      That is so funny about Ryan..so many people that are connected to both of us in some way and find that out have that same reaction. We are both doing our blogging thing but different niches. I really loved reading this comment. I could feel the good energy coming off of it, and I have no doubt you will start to see amazing shifts. Listening to that material frequently is one of the best things you can do because like you said, you need that new way of thinking and being to become ingrained and predominant. That is always important to remember–it is all about predominant. Working with LOA can often create a lot of anxiety around our negative thoughts and feelings, but we are human and they will be there sometimes.

      It can be a bit stressful to think we must always be putting our mental energy towards this whole manifesting business, especially for someone like yourself who in this moment is experiencing so much change and adjustment. I have found that our higher self knows what we want and is working behind the scenes–our conscious participation is not really required, though it can be hard to fully buy into that.

      I am so glad that the post was helpful for you…hearing that makes me so happy.

  4. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding Kelli and Ryan! We have something in common – we also got married in January (10 years ago!) and had our honeymoon in Bali. I guess your upcoming housesit is a honeymoon of sorts? Wishing you all the best for your future together!
    It’s interesting how you mention that it’s your vibration that brings things to you and that you don’t necessarily know it first. The universe is beautiful in its perfection and working things out for you. Yesterday I got back from a mini-break that I manifested, even though I didn’t know that’s what I wanted and that it was possible until a short time before I left. I can see how getting away for a couple of days made a huge difference to my frame of mind and perspective, and therefore helps me to manifest the other things I was working on. I stayed with friends who made me feel good and also gave me some good advice relevant to my current situation. I also got some surprising and big ‘alpha reflections’ that reminded me that what I wanted was on its way, even though I hadn’t been thinking about them. Also forgetting about them for a few days (yet still feeling good) kind of took the pressure off which might have been holding me back. I can see now that I can sit back and relax and wait for my manifestations without having to actively work on them all the time.

    1. Hi
      Thanks so much…I’m not gonna lie, I am a little bit excited about this whole getting married thing. I am just happy we are doing something simple and stress-free. I am so looking forward to Bali..I have been there many times before, but just something about there. One of my favorite spots.

      It really is beautiful isn’t it? On one hand, it is a pretty simple process but on the other, incredibly complex. We are no match for it..that’s for sure! I remember you mentioning that in a previous comment, and I am so happy to hear it was so beneficial for you. Which is why you manifested it! That beauty in action. That actively working on them is what gets us every time right? On one hand, there are lots of great things we can do to move things along, but then there are things that just stand in the way plain and simple, and sometimes it isn’t always so obvious this is the case. But, we start to realize more and more as time goes on. Keep me posted on all this awesomeness..sounds like you are aligning yourself quite nicely.

  5. Congrats on your upcoming wedding Kelli! From the pics I’ve seen, you guys are so cute together! 🙂

    In late summer of 2013, I wanted to have one last little family vacation before my son started pre-k. There is a water park about 2 hours away from us and I really wanted us to go there. We didn’t really have a lot of money, so I didn’t really know how we’d pay for it. I wanted this for us but for whatever reason – I say that because I was still working diligently on not being such a worry wort – I was able to detach from the outcome. I knew I wanted it, but if it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen.

    Lo and behold a couple of days later after deciding I would like to have this. I think it was a Tuesday, my new sister in law called my husband and said that she and her husband had booked a suite at a REALLY fancy lodge a couple of hours away. It was for that weekend AND it had an indoor water park. They were going with some friends, but something came up and their friends had to cancel at the last minute, so they asked us to take their place. My hubby told her we couldn’t afford to pay our half, but she said that was fine, if we could just pay for our eats, the rest was on them! I couldn’t believe it AND we all had so much fun!

    I learned a very valuable lesson about letting go of attachment. It is still hard to do with some things, but you are so right. If you are truly able to let go, magic just happens! 🙂

    I’d like to manifest a trip to Disney World this summer for us. If I can manifest the other trip, I think a trip to Disney is feasible too. Or maybe even a cruise. I LOVE cruises! Either way, I’m putting it out there that I would like a fun-filled family vacay this summer. 🙂

    1. Hi Summer
      First, thanks for your kind words about the wedding. Second, I loved, loved, loved reading this. I always enjoy hearing about people’s manifestations and I know other people are reading them, and it just helps build the faith when we see these real life examples. Clearly, that is no coincidence and not only did you get to go to the park, you didn’t even need all the money you thought you would. That is a great example of not thinking that manifesting the money is what is necessary to get certain things. I have no doubt that trip to Disney is feasible…who knows what will happen. Another cancelled trip by someone else, winning it…the possibilities are endless!

  6. Spectacular! And no, even though I’m biased as heck, this is really a brilliant post because you explained – through your life story – how to manifest something way damn cool.

    Loved it because you dove into your experience and I know so many folks want practical tips from the Mistress of Manifesting because you’re one of the coaching champs, at manifesting ridiculously cool stuff.

    Agreed on all counts. So enjoyed reading this because I saw all unfolding first hand. From letting go Mexico to honoring the intuitive nudge to follow up on Bali; we were aligned, and that was that. It’d be impossible for us NOT to have landed the sit.

    Well done!


    1. Hey blogging superstar
      You were there first hand to experience this, thats for sure. . I did enjoy sharing the details of the experience to illustrate some of the points more clearly. Cant wait to get there and see what is in store!

  7. Hi Kelli, it’s interesting to see how it all worked out in the end and sometimes things can just “flow” into place. I hope you have a great time in Bali. And congratulations to you and Ryan on your forthcoming wedding! 🙂

    1. Hi
      Yes, it is great how things just come together. We are excited to head back to one of our favorite spots. Thanks about the wedding, we are excited. Hope you are having a great weekend!

  8. Congratulations to you and Ryan–what a great way to plan/have a wedding!

    I also wanted to thank you for this post. It helped me to understand how I got the job of my dreams when I wasn’t focusing on it or visualizing it or anything.

    Have fun in Bali–looking forward the posts and pics from there!

    1. Hi Selene
      Thanks so much! So happy to hear you manifested something so awesome–and look at that? Not even really ‘working’ on it, to boot! Keep on being a manifesting machine!

  9. Great reminder about remaining unattached to outcomes. This is one thing that often trips me up. So often there is something else waiting just around the corner but we get so stressed out chasing after our desires that we don’t even notice the new opportunities as they slip by us. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I got married in August and it’s really brought a new depth and commitment to our togetherness. Thanks for another great post…

    1. Hey Faith
      Thanks so much for your comment. So glad you liked the post. Detaching from outcomes is one of the more challenging aspects of this work for sure. We want things and it is hard to totally let go of that feeling or be ‘whatever’ about the outcome. And you are so right about that..we can miss other things because we are so caught up in this one thing. It makes sense to our mind to ‘want’ and get attached as if that will somehow make it happen, and the idea of letting of of those feelings of need and attachment makes it uncomfortable because it thinks this will somehow make it not happen.

      Congratulations on your wedding as well…I believe that will be true for us too. Have a great day!

  10. Kelli, just happened to stumble across your site. Very glad I did!
    There are some great tidbits of knowledge in this post alone. I’m certainly guilty of worrying and being attached to the outcome. It’s not healthy, and it’s something I need to work on.

    As a side note, do you have any posts related to how you’ve landed great house-sitting gigs, and what you and Ryan do for health insurance? My wife and I have long considered taking a break and traveling the world. Have you enjoyed your adventure and do you see yourself ever stopping?


    1. Hey Jacob
      I’m glad you stumbled upon the blog too, and so glad you enjoyed the post. Don’t feel too badly..getting attached to outcomes is pretty common–I am guilty of this myself at times. When we see an opportunity to get something we want, it is natural to hope it works out. As your trust grows, the detaching gets easier because you know that what you want can come in infinite ways.

      As for those other topics, the blog is all about personal development so I really don’t write too much about that stuff. As for landing the housesitting jobs, we have put up profiles on a few different sites and just apply to ones that seem interesting to us. We currently use housecarers, trustedhousesitters and mindmyhouse–they come with a yearly fee, but it is not expensive. It is ‘competitive’ in the sense there are lots of people that apply for jobs, but when you are aligned, you will get assignments–for whatever reason, you will be the couple that they like best. As for health insurance, there are many companies that offer international health plans for travelers…if you type in ‘travel health insurance’ in google, you’ll see lots of different companies come up. As for which to choose, I couldn’t say because we have never actually purchased any!

      Travel forums might be a good place to get some suggestions from people who have actually filed claims and had to work with the companies…when you don’t ever actually need the insurance, any policy will do, and it might make you feel better to choose one where you know people have had good experiences with actually using their coverage.

      We have loved doing what we are doing, and if you are feeling the urge to do it, I highly recommend just going for it. Right now, we don’t have any plans to stop. We just live moment to moment as best we can. If you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to email me..would love to answer any questions you have.

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