There is only one thing the ego mind holds dear, and will ruthlessly pursue, so long as we let it run the

The concept of ‘manifestation,’ and the various terms used when discussing this idea, make it seem like a much more complicated process

I always hear how you have to FEEL good and focus on what you want in spite of what’s going on in

The ego thought system with which we have been conditioned our whole life is basically the complete opposite of the ‘new’ thought

Questions are one of simplest, and most powerful tools we can employ to explore our mind and heal faulty thinking that lies

I like to talk about the theory vs the reality of ‘manifesting’ a lot because there are huge differences, that when understood,

Once people get wind of a teaching like the law of attraction, the focus becomes all about how to ‘raise your vibration’

Hi Kelli, I’ve been following this teaching for a decade and following you almost as long. I feel like I could teach

Inner transformation is at its core, the result of a series of choices about what to think and believe. This choice in

Getting comfortable with our complete inability to control how other people perceive our words, actions and choices, is essential to advancing our

The ego thought system (which lies at the root of all your energetic discord) is constantly misunderstanding your experiences. Have a question

In building energetic momentum, and making the inner transformations that will align us with our more desired outside circumstances, we must be

 These days, I am worrying a lot over something that I don’t really want in my life; I would constantly think about

When we understand what is really going on when we feel angered, betrayed or hurt by others, we see the act of

The crux of energetic transformation goes much deeper than thinking positively about your ability to ‘manifest’ specific things into your life. It

As you embrace new ways of looking at the world and yourself, as you recognize the deep dysfunction of the thought system

Transforming our energetic state in meaningful, consistent ways requires us to focus on things the mind doesn’t think is important for this

There are lots of misconceptions about the LOA and manifesting that cause a lot of unnecessary confusion. Being a ‘good’ manifestor looks

I’m just wondering, what would you say are the important characteristics for a successful manifestor to have. Like, the ability to embody

Understanding all the ways the mind doesn’t understand how the ‘process’ of conscious creation and energetic transformation work is essential to making

The idea we create our own reality is very appealing to our ego mind, personality self since it wants a whole bunch

If fear, frustration have been my driving force in life. How do you really change it to something that is coming from

No matter what is going on in your life, no matter how many problems you have at once, there is just one

Given our typical conditioning, the journey of positive change and transformation can seem to be asking a lot of us. We have

Hi Kelli! I love all your podcast and content. I’ve struggled with serious mental health since the age of 12. I feel

Questions are one of the simplest, yet most powerful tools, for the personal growth journey. Enjoy! Have a question you think would

Hi Kelli! Do you have any tips on how to identify less with all the thoughts that make me crazy and simply

What you really want goes so much deeper than whatever thing you are ‘lacking’ right now and trying to manifest. Remembering this

The Power of Questions

Questions are one of the simplest, yet most powerful, ‘tools’ at our disposal because in asking them, you are focusing your attention

Wouldn’t it be great if you manifested less criticism or even when you did, it didn’t bother you so much? Wouldn’t it

  Hi Kelli! How do you feel about risks? For me, I hate my job and I can’t seem to feel better

Why does the mind screw with us so? Great question and one we may never get answered to our satisfaction. We only

‘Detachment’ is a word you will hear quite often when you start studying concepts like the law of attraction, manifesting and conscious

How our mind functions serves us well in many respects. Rational, logical thought is where it’s at when it comes to dealing

We have a tendency to make personal growth and inner transformation an action-oriented process, thinking that will change us internally. This isn’t

The more you understand how much your mind doesn’t understand the world of energy, the more easily you can go about your

Hello Kelli! I had a quick question: “After going through the ick and all the resistance, will we naturally feel better or

One night in April Ryan and I were taking a walk pretty late and saw a deer get hit by a car

We have a lot of deeply ingrained ways of thinking that can seriously interfere with our efforts to change our belief system,

The energy of authenticity is very powerful from a conscious creation perspective. It’s hard to allow in what we truly want when

Our biggest issues on the journey of personal growth have little to do with actions–thinking we must not be doing the right

Aside from just wanting to feel better in general, changing our tune emotionally is necessary if we want to manifest a different

What can I do if its too hard for me to feel better in my current circumstances? Where It All Starts There

Making lasting consistent changes in your energy is what we need to see lasting, consistent change in our circumstances. The coaching call

Hi Kelli. Ever since finding out about the Law of Attraction I find myself micromanaging my feelings. I’m not sure how to

 If there are any questions about my products or services, or any way I can be of assistance to you,  email me at

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